4 Stages of Financial Health
With the ever-evolving world of personal finance, understanding the complexities of our finances is crucial. More importantly, we need to learn how we can take the money we do have, and build upon it to solidify our financial future, or as I like to call it, our financial health. And so today, I’d like to share with you a guide to help you identify where you currently stand in your financial journey, and what steps you need to take to push towards and crush every milestone to come.
To make it that much easier, I’ve neatly segmented the stages of financial health into four distinct stages: Barely Alive, Survive, Strive and Thrive.?
Stage One: Barely Alive?
First and foremost, if you are in this stage, it’s key to remember that you, my friend, are not alone. I characterise this stage as a financial imbalance in which expenses far outweigh income, nudging you towards a life of unwelcome credit dependency. Let this be a wake-up call to reassess your spending patterns. The goal here is to carve the foundations towards financial stability by trimming down on all unnecessary expenses. Only once you reach stage two should you begin thinking of purchasing occasional luxuries.?
Stage Two: Survive
Stage two is where you find yourself balancing on the cusp of financial equilibrium. Imagine bringing in £2,500 a month, but having it rapidly chipped away by the essentials such as rent, utilities and other unavoidable expenses. It’s the stage where you find yourself delicately budgeting and scrutinising every little purchase. The focus here is to fortify the savings you do have by saving smart. This means, investing in something that’ll help your money grow, and not diminish from inflation like it would do in a bank account. However, like stage one, it should ALWAYS be on your mind to avoid unnecessary purchases that could damage or erode whatever financial barrier you do have.?
Stage Three: Strive?
Ah, the strive stage. A small, but very rewarding leap in the right direction. This is where you start to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Your income is now covering your expenses but oh wait… you have some left over. This is the stage where you can begin to invest more of your hard-earned cash but also enjoy some of the surpluses to treat yourself to. I often find that people reach this stage by creating some form of ‘side hustle’. Adding that extra stream of income is what many people see as the key to building financial health. But, this is where people are faced with a challenging decision. This is how it usually goes… Individual starts a side hustle, sees success and immediately sacks the boss in pursuit of their dreams and whilst I respect the commitment, I do believe a big decision like this requires some deep thought. Personally… I hung up my firefighter gear only once my side income (being property investment) outpaced and outearned my regular income in the multiples. So, let it be known… I do NOT recommend sacking the boss as soon as you see a glimpse of success with a side business but ultimately; the choice is yours.?
Stage Four: Thrive?
If you are here, then you have reached the pinnacle of success. This is the stage where financial freedom is no longer just a dream, but your reality. Here, your secondary income has begun dwarfing your regular income and the question then arises as to whether working the traditional 9-5 is worth it anymore. At this stage, I don’t think you need any advice. If you’ve made it here then it means you’re doing something right and so all I ask is that you keep going. Work hard, invest smart and continue pushing towards financial freedom.?
And so, there you are. I urge you to read this today to assess where you currently fit within the ladder of financial health. Begin planning the next effective steps tailored to help you achieve and reach the next financial phase. Financial freedom should never be a myth, but instead, a reality, achievable only through deliberate planning and pinpointed action.?
I hope now you have some more clarity on how to move forward and smash your goals, until next time live daily.?