The 4 Stages of the Divorce Journey
As with all life-changing situations, when the situation requires a decision to be made, there are stages leading up to that decision, and there are stages once the decision has been made. Knowing and understanding the different stages of divorce may ensure you come out the other side feeling happy and content.
1. Realising that you cannot stay married
2. The decision to get divorced
3. The decision on what attorney to use
4. The negotiating process
No one thinks about divorce when they're growing up, when they meet someone or when they get married, however, it is a reality that sadly even the little people understand. If you can break down divorce into these stages, you can deal with it systematically and rationally.
When taking on to help someone through their divorce, I do my best to understand where they have been, what led them to that point and how best to get them through their divorce.
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