4 Simple Ways to Bring a Little More Fun to the Office!
Christopher Littlefield
International Speaker on Employee Appreciation and Workplace Culture, Harvard Business Review and Forbes Contributor, and founder of Beyond Thank You
This week, do something to bring a little more fun and play to your workplace.
Having facilitated workshops, team building programs, leadership retreats around the world and across cultures, I have learned that people may not show it or even know it, but they want to play and laugh. Often times it is the very thing they need to relax, see their counterparts as human, opening the door to constructive and productive communication!
People may not show it or even know it, but they want to play and laugh. Often times it is the very thing they need to relax, see their counterparts as human, and open the door to constructive and productive communication!
Last year, I ran a two-day retreat for a very high level, leadership group in the in Middle East. The group was filled with politicians, academics, and even ambassadors. The group ranged in age from 40 to 65 plus. I will be honest, going into the workshop I was nervous… Do I need to change my style? Can I do the usual interactive mix of games and hands on communication activities, or do I need to hold back? I went with my instinct and, looking beyond the suits and formal introductions, I immediately asked people to stand up and jump into a game. Formal quickly transformed to fun as the giggling group chased each other around the room!
People will complain, roll their eyes, and then smile! This week, do something to bring a little more fun and play to the workplace.
Here are a four ideas:
Rocky Morning!Tomorrow morning, blast the Rocky theme song as your people enter the office or enter your department! When they ask why you’re doing it….say “Because I think you have the Eye of the Tiger today, champ!” And give them a high five and then walk away!
Awkward Family Photo Day!Yup, even someone as cool as the Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson had an awkward school photo! Invite your people to bring their best, awkward photo to share with the group. Sweeten up the deal by offering an award like a pack full of Twizzlers as a prize for best photo! If you need additional ideas and laughs, check out the site Awkward Family Photos! (Great for virtual teams!)
Organize Office Recess! Who did not love recess at school! Why not organize an office recess and invite your people to play their favorite recess games! Grab your lunch and go out in the parking lot, a nearby park, or the hall next to your desk, and play a game! Four Squares, Hopscotch, Tag, Kickball, Hide and Seek, Tug-of-War, Capture the Flag, and more! Have less space, make it Board Game Day!
Masked Meetings! Halloween is coming up which means, even here in Chile, stores are stocked with an abundance of masks and Halloween costumes. Go pick up a collection of random masks and bring them to your next staff meeting. Try to have the meeting as long as possible with everyone wearing a mask! Ask your people to talk in the voice of their mask! Try not to laugh as Captain America presents the weekly team update!
What is the line…
Teams Who Play Together Stay Together!
Follow Up Action:
What can you do this week to bring a little more fun and play to your office?
- Do one thing this week to bring a little more fun to the workplace. Don’t think too hard, or organize a committee, just do it! Pick something from above or come up with something totally new, and just do it!
Want More ideas?
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Past Issues:
- Creating a Culture of Appreciation,
- Three ways to offer learning opportunities to your people without spending a cent!
- How to Have a Real Open Door Policy,
- Summer Time Engagement Activity Ideas,
- How to Get Out of a Negativity Trap,
and more.
About the Author
Christopher Littlefield, is the founder of AcknowledgmentWorks. He trains leaders around the world in the Art of Acknowledgment and Engagement. His work revolves around the understanding that at the heart of all of our relationships is the experience of feeling valued. Conducting over 400 interviews and collecting thousands of surveys around the globe have shaped Chris’ unique understanding of what employees really want and need to feel valued. Chris has worked with Fidelity Investments, Kraft Foods, United Nations, The Lebanese Postal Service and more. Watch Chris as he shares his research at TEDx Beirut.