4 simple tricks for long life
Queen Nwabueze
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By Queen Nwabueze
Drastically, overall life expectancy in Nigeria has dropped to 52 years according to some data by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2018. It’s sad. But a lot of factors lower life expectancy in Nigeria. Some years back, Nigeria's Center for Disease Control officially announced that poverty and pollution are to be blamed.
Let’s not go the way of fetishism and ‘village people’ because they are not scientific. We all know that when people die young, they usually die from diseases and infections that could have been prevented or treated.
Again, lifestyle has got a lot to do with it. Lifestyle heavily impacts on longevity. For instance, smoking and maintaining unhealthy weight among other wrong habits have been shown to contribute to short lifespan. It’s true. Good habits now are equal to more years later.
In reality, nobody can guarantee that healthy habits would make you live forever. Death can come knocking without formal notice. But good habits, at least, can contribute to longevity. Therefore, if you are ‘faithing’ long life for you, your loved ones and friends, then these tips have to be part of your lives:
1. Have a strong relationship with your doctor: In the recent past, everyone thought it is so expensive so a big deal to have a doctor at your beck and call. But medicine has gone nuclear, making it easier for patients and doctors to connect with breathtaking immediacy. With the advent of telemedicine, everyone can download a simple health app as Health Connect 24x7 in their iOS or android device and consult a doctor when ill. Developing a strong relationship with a licensed doctor can reap real rewards. All you need to do is download the app and make it a habit to reach out when you have health concerns whether big or small. This is because people who have a good relationship with their doctor are more likely to be influenced by medical advice and live healthier lives.
2. Keep an eye on your heart: Don’t joke with healthy heart behaviour. Prioritize your heart health. Cardiovascular diseases have caused and still causing untold death all over the world. When you see people who seemed to have lived long, a significant reason is a healthy heart. You too can. Eat healthy fats; keep your blood pressure low and avoid smoking plus heavy drinking and you would have done a great service to your lifespan. If you have heart diseases history, then work with your doctor to keep an eye on the health of your heart.
3. Manage stress.
In our clime, stress has come to live with us. But what do you do? Nurse it? No. Stress takes a toll on your heart and may even cause you to age more rapidly. Do you know that many studies have found out that stress can cause klotho to decline? Klotho is the particular hormone which regulates aging and promotes brain and body health. What then happens is that mental and physical signs of aging come earlier than normal. But if you keep stress under control, you will win. Take a time out for recreational activities, exercises like yoga and meditation, others help. More importantly, make sure you have the Health Connect 24x7 on your phone so you can talk to a licensed doctor when stress becomes overwhelming.
4. Eke out time to sleep
Like stress, our life is so wired that inadequate sleep habit has become part of our living. But don’t let it. At given opportunities, catch some sleep. The number of hours you sleep and the consistency of your sleep schedule actually influence your longevity.
Your lifestyle predicts how well you age. If, for instance, you eat a balanced diet, you’re more likely to maintain good physical health and mental clarity into your later years. Conversely, people who consistently eat processed foods and junks have a higher risk of heart failure, obesity and certain types of diseases and ailments which all stall long life. Begin to experiment with these and more healthy habits and you would be surprised how quickly you heal from sicknesses as soon as you take them.
And who knows? The short lifespan of life expectancy in the country could experience long life, itself.