4 Simple Steps To Embed a True Coaching Culture

4 Simple Steps To Embed a True Coaching Culture

I’m always on the hunt for relevant info and I loved this - one of the best articles I’ve seen on this topic for a while. Here are a few paragraphs as a taster...

For real impact coaching has to be part of the wider business culture. So how can you ensure you get it right?

So how can you make sure you gain the fullest benefits from your coaching and build a coaching culture throughout your company that sticks and drives business impact? Here are four steps that can make it happen.

Start at the top

No coaching is going to succeed unless it has buy-in from the very top. Unless senior teams are seen to take coaching seriously – and be willing to make any necessary changes to ensure its success – it will fail to bring the fullest benefit to the business. Senior executives need to be persuaded by a clear and convincing business case. If necessary these need to be revised and agreed at the highest level.

Involve line managers

Coaching takes time and needs to be supported at every level in the business. That means making sure line managers are involved and have the tools they need to implement and sustain a successful coaching programme. Line managers hold the key to success. This level bears much of the responsibility for ensuring coaching is implemented, sustained and results-driven.

So equipping them with the ability to coach, problem solve, give feedback and support their employees will drive the success of your coaching culture. Even if they are already well versed in coaching, refresher training is worth considering.

Pretty valuable stuff, I’m sure you’ll agree! Why not check out the whole article here and share your thoughts with me afterwards: call (0414) 207-257 or email me at [email protected].




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