4 Self-Contained Apartments, 1 Commercial Unit, Plenty of Existing Annual Rental Income...
A Great Investment with incremental increases...
HEADLINE INCOME & Agreements : The ground floor shop is let to The Works Stores Limited for a term of 10 Years from 20th October 2022 at a current rent of £30,000 per annum on a FRI basis. The Vendor will top-up this rent upon completion, to the equivalent of £32,500 per annum. Fixed rental increase to - £32,500 in Year 3 and 4. Fixed rental increase to - £37,500 in Year Five - Rent review open market, upward only from October 2027. Tenant option to determine in October 2027 with min 6 months notice.
The First Floor Flat 1 is at present let on an AST to an Individual for a term of 12 Months from 31st March 2017 at a current rent of £6,600 p.a. Deposit held of £550.The First Floor Flat 2 is at present let on an AST to an Individual for a term of 12 Months from 23rd January 2021 at a current rent of £7,140 p.a. Deposit held of £686. The Second Floor Studio Flat 3 is at present let on an AST to an Individual for a term of 12 Months from 31st January 2022 at a current rent of £5,700 p.a. Deposit held of £548. The Rear Ground Floor Studio Flat 4 is at present let on an AST to an Individual for a term of 12 Months from 25th July 2022 at a current rent of £4,800 p.a. Deposit held of £400. (existing tenants have remained in situ / some tenancies may now have converted to periodic) (scope remains to increase the residential letting PCM income.
Offers In The Region of £750,000 Freehold