4 Sectors Vulnerable To IoT Attacks In 2017
Patrick Hamilton
Quantum Computing AI Technologist | Machine Learning & Neural Network Specialist | Cybersecurity & Technology Expert | Financial Institutions & Critical Infrastructure | Solution Architect | CISSP??
I’m always on the hunt for relevant info and I loved this - one of the best articles I’ve seen on this topic for a while. Here are a few paragraphs as a taster...
In 2017 businesses are sure to suffer more DDoS attacks and internet shutdowns powered by cheap, insecure IoT devices. But while these attacks could become more common, they’re also likely to become less lethal as backbone providers harden their defenses and device manufacturers adopt identity-based security to close vulnerabilities.
However, the sheer number of cheap AND insecure IoT devices deployed globally will ensure DDoS attacks continue sporadically through 2017.
Catastrophic DDoS attacks might dominate tech media coverage, but the failure of IoT device, service and infrastructure to adopt and scale robust security and privacy tactics will play out in several ways.
In 2017, the distinction between in-home and clinical healthcare devices will continue to erode.
To date, smart wearables and exercise devices like Fitbits and Apple Watches have been perceived as a means to track exercise in order to further fitness goals – distinct from clinical medical devices like heart monitors, blood pressure cuffs or insulin pumps.
At the same time, it’s become common for patients with high blood pressure to monitor their levels at home by capturing them on a mobile app on their phone – exactly how fitness trackers work.
The wealth of data available to clinicians flowing from such devices is leading to expectations that individuals can and perhaps should play much more active roles in preventative care.
Pretty valuable stuff, I’m sure you’ll agree! Why not check out the whole article here https://www.ddosattacks.net/4-sectors-vulnerable-to-iot-attacks-in-2017/ and share your thoughts with me afterwards: call Australia (0403) 403-341, US (540) 209-7815 or email me at [email protected].