4 routes to reconnecting with your team this Christmas.
Angela Mitchell
Insights Discovery | Difficult Conversations Facilitator | High Performing Teams
Would you believe that we've been working virtually for nearly 8 months now?
What was once a (sought after) novelty has become a staple feature of our working lives. For some, it's been a dream, for others, a nightmare. But for most, it's been somewhere in between.
Love it or loathe it, it's undeniable that working virtually has made us all feel a little more distant than we're used to. To be clear, this isn't because anyone has done anything wrong. It's just a by-product of the physical distance and inherent awkwardness of virtual communications platforms. As the nights draw in and what was Christmas party season looms, this disconnectedness becomes all the more apparent.
Because the Christmas season has always been a time to bring people together, heal old wounds, and most of all relax in the company of the people we like and trust.
Suffice to say that's a whole lot more difficult to do these days. Add all the plethora of personalities you'll find in every office into the mix, and things get even trickier.
With that in mind and using the Insights Discovery framework as our guide; here are 4 routes you can follow to reconnect with the people in your team this Christmas…
Route 1: Fiery Red
Your Firey Red colleagues are passionate and proactive. Most lead a work-hard, play-hard lifestyle and for them, Christmas is a chance to celebrate wins and blow off some steam. Which isn't easy when all the bars, pubs, and restaurants are shut…
However, don’t be surprised to find out they’ve filled their schedules with virtual replacements. So, if you dither and delay in deciding on your Christmas events, you may find they’re otherwise engaged. If you want them to get involved with your festivities (you do), plan something enticing, well in advance so you can nab a slot in their diary before they’re all gone!
Route 2: Cool Blue
Cool Blue colleagues are quiet and reserved. They're seldom the first in the queue for Christmas party tickets at the best of times. In fact, they're often the faces that fail to show up to seasonal events. Now that we're working remotely, these colleagues tend to be even more distant (though no less hardworking).
If you want them to feel included this Christmas, bear in mind that the Zoom Christmas party might not be the thing to do it. Cool Blues are private by nature, so prefer to draw firm lines between home and work. This doesn’t mean they don’t ‘like’ you, it just means they don’t want their living room invaded with work-based Christmas frivolity. Instead, consider a low-key catch up over the phone with a small group of their closest work friends. They'll probably prefer this as opposed to being cajoled into attending a virtual big bash they won't enjoy.
Route 3: Sunshine Yellow
Sunshine Yellow colleagues are bright and outgoing. The Christmas season is one of the highlights of their year. All that time in relaxed settings with family, friends, and workmates is a vital source of rejuvenation for them. Of all the personality profiles, Sunshine Yellows are the most likely to find the physical distance we’re all experiencing the hardest.
These colleagues are the social glue that holds your team together. People and relationships are what they're all about. So, at Christmas, instead of wondering what you can do for them, instead ask them what they can do for you. By letting them plan your virtual Christmas festivities, you'll keep them busy and play to their strengths. Both much needed positive distractions at what might be a very trying time.
Route 4: Earth Green
Your Earth Green colleagues are conscientious and kind. They’re the ones who will go the extra mile and work late to help colleagues get on top of their workload before the Christmas shutdown. Which is something you probably want to keep an eye on as the lines between home and work become ever more blurred.
As far as Christmas is concerned if you’ve got an Earth Green in your team, you won’t need to worry about your team’s needs being met. Socially or otherwise. However, whilst Earth Greens are great at looking after others, they often do so at the expense of their own wellbeing. Colleagues, family, and friends all rank higher in an Earth Green’s priority list than they do themselves. Be sure to give them a call or set up a Zoom to check in on them. They’ll appreciate it.
Christmas is coming…
Christmas is only just around the corner and make no mistakes, it's going to be different this year.
But that doesn’t mean your team has to miss out and drift ever further apart.
In fact, the wholesale cancellation of the majority of Christmas events could work to your advantage. The chances are that your people may be more eager to get involved with work socials than ever before.
Yes, even the sceptics.
Consequently, we’ve got a couple of options for you to fill that empty calendar.
If you’re new to Insights, you and your team can attend a 3-hour virtual workshop packed full of fun Christmas activities.
If you’ve done Insights before, you can all come along to a 2-hour virtual workshop with all of the same fun activities, minus the nitty-gritty technical stuff you've covered before.
Both workshops also deliver valuable lessons and learnings that will propel your team to new levels of cohesion and purpose. They’ll give you crucial insight into your own personality so you can better understand the people in your team.
Armed with this knowledge, you’ll be ready to make 2021 a year to remember for all the right reasons.
Connect this Christmas.