4 Reasons Why Most Of Your Prospects Never Become Customers

4 Reasons Why Most Of Your Prospects Never Become Customers

A lot of us go through blockages when we start our online marketing campaigns. You might be getting tons of visitors on your landing page but for some reason you cannot see them converting into your customers. This is completely OK since there no set formula for successful marketing campaigns. Learning from your results and then optimizing campaigns after analysis is what gets you the edge that you might need.

While this may sound easy when you read it, there are still a lot of things that as a marketer you need to research and learn about. Different products must be marketed in different ways and with the availability of so many platforms that you can take benefits from, you need to find out what works the best for you and your product.

This is the main focus of this article, helping you figure out why you are not able to convert your traffic/audience into your customers.

You’re not able to demonstrate your product well

A lot of products need proper demonstration before your potential customer can understand its use. You might have an app on an idea that isn’t common among a lot of people. In that case, the first thing that you need to keep in mind is the fact that it should be your priority to make your potential customer understand your products.

This can be done using many different ways. You might want to get your product reviewed by reaching out to influencers but it does have its own downsides. You will be spending a lot of money on a lot of uncertainty.

A better way to demonstrate your product is by using Explainer Videos. These types of videos work best when you have to demonstrate a product. Explainer videos have a very small watch duration in which they cover a lot of important things about your product.

Not only can you demonstrate how your products work, you can also integrate call to action phrases naturally thanks to the flexibility of a script. Combining explainer videos with traditional online marketing strategies produce amazing results.

We have worked with companies like DHL, Tinder, Lean In and many others who got their explainer videos done by Blisstro Videos and used these videos to get a significant boost in their campaigns.

Here are a few examples:

You’re using the wrong platform to promote your product

Think about it, if your product is something that people look for on their own, then you might as well work on platforms like Google AdWords and go directly after people who are already searching a product that you have.

Other platforms like Facebook, Instagram and others work best when you’re able to generate your audience’s interest towards your product. But then again, these platforms require you to have good marketing materials like explainer videos, infographics or product demonstrations.

Perform a proper test to see how your product stands up on different platforms and focus on platforms that are getting you the best results.

Your marketing material is BORING

Look, there’s no need for me to be mean to you but you would want someone telling you the reality about your marketing campaign, right? Maybe the marketing material you’re using to promote your campaign isn’t interesting at all.

Your audience doesn’t want to see advertisements and this is exactly why bigger companies go ahead and try interesting things in their marketing campaigns. One such example is the Budweiser Promo for the FIFA World Cup 2018.

As you can see, the short video is promoting Budweiser products by using a different twist around drones. These drones travel across nations that are enthusiastic towards FIFA and the matches. The clip has all the potential to go viral and this ad was loved by a lot of people around the globe.

Using traditional image and text-based marketing techniques is something that every other person in front of a computer is doing. You should expand your horizons by trying out things like videos, GIFs and more.

Always remember, it is YOUR responsibility to get your audience’s attention. They won’t give it to you unless you have something really interesting to offer.

Your Brand isn’t Rememberable

Riddle me this!

How many websites did you visit last week?

How many ads did you see last week?

How many products did you see being promoted?

It’s madness out there and unless you do something to make your brand more rememberable, no one is going to remember it. Every successful brand has a personality, every successful product does something good in a way that no one does.

The perfect example for this is Wendy’s. Take a look at the Twitter feed that Wendy’s has. The company doesn’t manage their twitter feed as a means to provide support to its customers. It also has a personality and this is what makes them stand out from the rest.

Do you know Uber as a company is recognizable around the world while other similar services aren’t talked about a lot? Because they do a lot of things better than their competitors. First of all, their app experience is unmatched and second, their support, even though they work through restricted mediums like emails and in-app support options, are still quite understanding and caring towards their customers.

Do something for your brand that will make it easier for people to remember. This can be anything including the name of the brand, the way you serve your customers, or the way you interact with your current customers on a public platform.

Not only will this help you manage your current customers well, but you can also make sure that a potential customer looking at your public profile gets a good first impression about you.

Don’t teach your audience what they already know

The internet has been around for a while now and every millennial out there has knowledge about things that wouldn’t have been possible in the pre-internet era. Your audience doesn’t like it one bit when you try to spoon feed them with information.

You might have a product that is similar to an already existing product but it does something that makes it extraordinary. Focus on that specific improvement and then market with the fact that you’re better because your product is better.

Would you buy the product you’re promoting right now?

Be honest with yourself and analyze the product in the shoes of a customer. A customer will only buy what you’re selling when it does something for them. So, think about your product as if you, yourself are the customer. Note down what is wrong with your product and how you can improve on it. Analyze your idea again and think about the problems that it solves.

Listen to what your audience has to say

A lot of marketers ignore feedback from people who don’t buy their products. This is a sure shot way to miss out on a lot of customers. On platforms where you’re promoting products, you can easily see how people are reacting to your campaigns.

 Learn what your audience has to say and then adapt to it. This is how you get the attention you deserve from these potential customers.

Wrapping it up!

In the end, all that matters is how you’re promoting your campaigns and how you’re going to market in such a way that your campaigns become successful. A lot of factors have been discussed in different points above and while we have covered most of the important things, we might have missed out on some of them. Let us know your views and experiences with your marketing campaigns.

Need Help?

We can help you demonstrate your product in a way that's exciting, effective and impactful through animated explainer videos and create a marketing strategy around it. Message me here or reach out to us directly.

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