4 reasons why #12 is an inspiration for entrepreneurship
Regardless of the industry that you're in, I think that #12 is someone that we can all look up to. As an entrepreneur myself, I decided to do some research and see what we can learn from him. Here are the results:
1.) Overcoming Adversity: As a freshman in college, Brady was the #7 QB on the depth chart. He didn't get his opportunity until his junior year. After playing a complete season, he was dealt with adversity his senior year when they had a great prospect come into the program.
Something we can all learn is to not take things for granted. Even when things are looking great, it can suddenly change. Someone can enter your life and "outperform" you, but you have to remain humble and willing to improve your craft.
2.) Staying Hungry: Even though Brady had a fantastic senior year at Michigan, he was the #199 pick in the NFL draft. Many doubted Brady and said he didn't really "wow" people throughout warmups.
If you have a dream, you shouldn’t worry about what other people about it. The answer is to stay determined and continue to work for what you want. Be willing to make sacrifice that other people aren’t so that you can stand out.
3.) Being Humble: With the success that Brady has today, he's someone that many admire. Why? It's because of how he conducts himself on and off the field. Even his opponents admire who he is. Many will ask him personal questions and he will always deflect it to his coach, teammates, family, and peers.
I'm sure if you're an entrepreneur, you know the challenges that we have to go through. Being humble means, taking care of the things that you control and letting other people judge you based on your work. If you start boasting, then you won’t be as likable.
4.) Pursuing your Passion: I think it’s obvious that Brady loves what he does. He’s 39 and still excelling in a sport with an average career span 3 years. If it was really about the money, he would have retired many years ago. However, it’s not the case. He’s still a work horse and enjoys the game.
If you love what you do, the money will follow. When you are doing something that you believe in, it’s not really work. Especially with entrepreneurship, we all go through these problems. The best part is we enjoy what we do and it’s a big complex puzzle that we’re putting together.
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