4 Reasons Millennials Love Living Benefits

4 Reasons Millennials Love Living Benefits

January 2018 marks the very first Living Benefits Awareness Month, a social awareness campaign designed to educate America on what living benefits are, how they work, and why they are important to the financial prosperity of themselves and their loved ones.

To remind you, Living Benefits are the "new type"of life insurance that you can use while alive.

Yes, I said it, "life insurance", a topic that no one wants to talk about, especially us young folks.

I get it, death seems scary but, let me preface by saying that this piece isn't about death its about freedom,bucking the system, winning no matter what the outcome is.

The difference between the new stuff and old stuff is that you can access the death benefit early should you incur a major illness like heart attack, stroke, or cancer.

Why would that be important?

Easy, just look at our health care system. Regardless of what side of the political spectrum you sit, I think that we can all agree that A, it's not perfect and 2, costs continue to rise. Even if you do have a health care plan and get seriously ill, that plan only pays the doctors and hospitals. It doesn't cover all treatments, and wont replace any losses income should you need to take a leave of absence from work (ie it cant pay your bills if you cant).

To simplify, Living Benefits help cover what your health plan doesn't.

So here are 4 reasons us late 20, mid 30 somethings should include these in our life insurance because hey, were all adults and own the "old stuff" already, right?

  1. They're included-Living Benefits come at no additional cost and can be in the same ball park as far as price compared to the "old stuff". So why pay the same money for something that's outdated?
  2. Freedom-Living Benefits provide you with a check, made to you that you can use anyway you want. So no matter if you need extra time off work, pay your mortgage for the year, or want to travel to Nepal to live with the monks and treat the "natural" way, you can do that. Best of all, that check is made to you TAX FREE. Remember when I talked about bucking the system? That's a ninja move right there.
  3. They take the stress away-It's no secret that stress on the mind and body aren't in our favor when it comes to healing. While they cant solve every worry, Living Benefits at least take away the financial ones and allow you to focus on healing and spending time with loved ones. If you want to give yourself the best chance in the war on illness, stack your war chest with Living Benefits.
  4. No matter what, you benefit-In a perfect world where you live a long and happy life without inuring major illness or maybe you get eaten by a shark and never need to tap the Living Benefits, your family still receives that bucket of money, TAX FREE. You can't lose.

If you have any questions on Living Benefits and how they work when you need them, feel free to email me [email protected] 

You can also visit me on Facebook or connect with me on LinkedIn as well.

Thanks for reading.

Eric-Master Ninja

Lee Duncan

President and CEO | Business Coach | Public Speaker | UGA Fanatic | Agency Owner

6 年

Great article. Thanks for helping spread the message. Millienneals need this protection because of the fast paced, stressful lifestyle we live. Go go go!!! Especially if they have kids and a family or any significant debt like a home mortgage.


