???? 4 reasons men need love

???? 4 reasons men need love

This story was originally published:?Tue, 05/31/22. For more Take Charge tales, join the free newsletter ????

Love is all men know because everything we do is out of love, including building safe spaces for our family and friends.

We know they will never be 100% safe, but at least it'll be safer than what we have to contend with where we have to go as men.

I bring this up to be direct about some things.

1— Love yourself first.

If you love who you are and who you are becoming, you will do anything to be the best YOU, there will ever be.

2— If you love others, ya gotta love yourself first.

You can't pour from an empty, which means you must love yourself, build yourself in order to be strong, and useful for the people you care about most.

3— Beautiful women love Great men.

If you ever notice that there's no chemistry with the women you date.

That's because the women you date don't take you seriously since.

When you put yourself first this shifts the energy.

Think about alll the people you admired, they each put their health first, discipline first, and more. They lead and love themselves in a way you want and should emulate.

Until you honour yourself and do the work, you won't be that man.

Again it starts with love for you.

4— Your country demands your Love.

You and I may think of the West and America differently. I may criticize it, but my actions show that I genuinely love it.

Most say they love it, but their actions say otherwise.

Until you are willing to fight for what's important to you, you will never want to fight.

Hence the decline of The West today. Only a handful pushback on corruption, and most of our "peers" feed into it.

Begs the question what would the US look like today if every able-bodied man were self-respecting and in love with their country?

Just got a chill up my spine.

Those are the four things to think about this week.

Learn more here:

Much love,

— Papi Knox


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