4 Reasons To Carry Out Random Drug and Alcohol Tests In the Workplace
Matt Taylor
Leading Expert on Drug & Alcohol Policy, Training & Testing. Workplace, Occ Health etc. International Speaker & Trainer.
Random drugs and alcohol testing is successfully carried out by Police forces worldwide and contributes to the overall safety of our roads and communities. As an Employer, just one employee under the influence can cause a ripple effect of risk across your entire workforce. So here are 4 reasons why you should consider including random drug and alcohol testing as part of your workplace drug testing program, or organisational drug testing program.
1. You Want To Know Employees/Persons Are Not Under The Influence.
The definition of “under the influence” should be defined in your Policy. Random testing can help ensure your workforce is not under the influence of drugs or whilst in the workplace - without pointing the finger at any specific persons that you may suspect is under the influence. If you want to choose specific persons or individuals, that would be classed as a “with cause” or “reasonable suspicion” test. With random testing, names of your employees must be selected at random, using an impartial process. This could be via a specific “random selection” software for example. It is then those employees selected truly at random that are tested.
2. To Take Away The Guess Work.
Drug and alcohol users can be skilled at hiding their drug abuse, dependency and/or addiction. Whether you are responsible for a small team of employees or thousands in multiple locations, it is very difficult to ensure you meet your Health and Safety and Human Resources responsibilities and know when an employee or contractor (for example) is in work "under the influence". Training and education of managers and supervisors to spot the signs and symptoms should be delivered and goes some way to assist. However, regular random drug and alcohol testing takes care of the guess work and helps to manage the ongoing risk to all.
3. Drug and Alcohol Use Is A Huge Risk.
Drug and alcohol use today is not like it was a 10-20 years ago. The price of drugs and alcohol is cheaper than ever. Drugs (prescription and illegal) are easier to source than ever. The use of such drugs as Cannabis and Cocaine has become socially acceptable and “the norm”. Drugs today are high strength, and use in the workplace is more common than they have ever been. If any of your employees are using Cannabis, Cocaine, Ecstasy, Amphetamines, Alcohol, Novel Psychoactive Substances, Alcohol, Prescription/OTC Painkillers etc etc - it can all lead to the same outcome. Their own personal safety, as well as the overall safety of everyone else, will become further at risk. Accidents, incidents, near misses and serious injuries (amongst other risks, issues and costs) are likely to result.
4. Random Testing Works As A Deterrent.
People who use drugs or alcohol and don’t want to be found to be under the influence whilst at work, simply do not want to work for a company that carries out random workplace tests.
By actively and regularly promoting the fact that you carry out random drug and alcohol testing as part of your overall D&A program, it may deter applications for jobs from persons not suited to a workplace such as a safety critical environment. In addition to that, current employees who are taking drugs or abusing alcohol are likely to give a positive result on a random drug and alcohol test. Because they know this, it is a great incentive and opportunity for the employee to come forward earlier, ask for help, and no longer be a safety risk to themselves or others. For those employees returning to work after receiving assistance for drug and/or alcohol issues, random testing gives them another reason to say "no" and encourage successful abstinence.
At the same time, it also allows the employer to provide a healthier and safer workplace for all stakeholders – employees, contractors, visitors, customers, members of the public.
In Summary.
Many say "If you've got nothing to hide, then what is the problem?". Everyone has the right to go to work and return home safely. Random testing for drugs and alcohol in the workplace is an ethical and sensible option when carried out correctly and in legally defensibly manner. It should be a regular part of any drug and alcohol testing program and done in conjunction with Pre-Employment, Pre-Appointment, Employee Compliance, With Cause and For Cause testing. It is a proven deterrent and successful tool to help maintain and manage the health, safety and wellbeing of employees from the issues and risks that drugs and alcohol pose in today’s workplace.
Matt Taylor (Director) www.itstestkits.com
About the Author
Matt Taylor has been working in the drug and alcohol industry since 2003, and has gained extensive knowledge & experience in policy, education/training, testing solutions, D&A support. He is a founding Director of Innovative Testing Solutions Limited (ITS). ITS provide cost-e?ective, high-quality and up-to-date D&A sample collection, screening and testing kits. As an international speaker he has trained thousands of leaders & sta? on Drug & Alcohol Policy, workplace drug and alcohol testing & preventative measures. Having experienced the consuming e?ects of drug & alcohol, he is well positioned to advise on preventative measures.
CONTACT ? You can message Matt Taylor on LinkedIn, call 07821 116117 or email [email protected]
About Innovative Testing Solutions (ITS)
HOW WE CAN HELP ? Typically clients come to ITS because they are concerned about their legal responsibilities for drug and alcohol policies. Some are worried about test accuracy due to evolving drug usage and many feel uncertain about legally defensible sta? procedures & disciplinary action. Often we find that companies have a Policy that is not robust or legally defensible and/or using testing kits that are not fit for purpose. It’s important to have the right Policy, Procedures and Training in place. It’s also important to use the right drug testing kits. Unfortunately there are lots of kits on the market that are simply not fit for purpose. Some kits have cut-off levels much higher than the EWDTS (European Workplace Drug Testing Society) Guidelines which means you are potentially missing many “positives”. Some kits just never consistently reach the levels of accuracy, specificity and sensitivity they publish. Both can result in people returning to work “under the influence” putting themselves and others at risk.
ITS support PLCs, SMEs, Drug treatment organisations, Occ Health, HR and H&S professionals with advice, policy writing, testing products/solutions, training, support etc.
WHY US? ? ITS provide reputable, competitively priced testing solutions. Our award-winning plastic-free drug test kits deliver environmental, low carbon solutions. Dealing with drug & alcohol issues in the workplace can be unnerving. Problems if not addressed, can induce accidents, high absenteeism, a?ect reputation, sta? engagement & customer loyalty. We tend to work with companies (large and small) that value quality, legal defensibility, support and service. We can take all the problems and issues surrounding D&A Policy and Testing out of the equation, allowing you to get on with what you do best - looking after your people and growing your business.
OUR CLIENTS ? We work with clients including occupational health, recruitment, distribution & logistics, construction and many other workplace sectors across the UK & Ireland. We also work with the organisations such as drug treatment services etc. Our clients bene?t from con?dential advice & expert training built on moral & ethical business practices. Innovative, quality-led bespoke drug panel and/or alcohol testing kits provide reliable positive/negative results & improve the health and wellbeing of your sta?.
CONTACT ? You can call (+44) 01785 532002 or email [email protected].
Contract Manager at FES Group
5 年Witnessed a company choose people based on who was up for redundancy, also they never seemed to pick anyone above site level
Recovery Navigator at change, grow, live (CGL)
5 年Interesting thanks
Construction delivery professional
5 年We’ve been testing for years now!
Internal Sales/Racking Design Specialist @ Sortimo International GmbH | Customer Relationship Management
5 年Think you might be missing a huge 5th reason here. Mental health. After taking part in a presentation about my experience in mental health at work during mental health awareness week 2 weeks ago, I was surprised at how many people have the potential to also go down the route of drug or alcohol dependence due to their state of mind. Maybe we should add this reason too, checking on the wellbeing of your colleagues