4 quick ways to boost your productivity

4 quick ways to boost your productivity

The pandemic has taught us a lot about our work habits and how we can manage our attention better. We can take these lessons back to the office and into hybrid ways of working.?

  • Be ruthless - this is a strong word but to make any headway with your focus and productivity, you must practice this with kindness and without aggression. Protect your time, attention, and priorities.?
  • The stealth of camouflage - many people have discovered the benefits of not being visible at all hours of the working day. Work away from your desk, away from your phone, wear headphones (with or without music), and create your space to be proactively focused.?
  • Get into good habits - it’s hard to do things differently and change your habits but the pandemic has proven we are adaptable. Working remotely means that we are communicating in different and more agile ways, from meetings, instant messaging, and break times. Let’s continue the things that work.?
  • And finally, preparation underpins everything you do - whether this is practical (making a list) or mental (mindfulness, being present). We need to remember that we are not super humans and we live in interesting and challenging times.

By implementing some of the ideas shared here, anyone can make more productive use of their time. Team Vable incorporates many of these ideas in the course of our day, resulting in an organisation which is committed to fostering a culture of collaboration, innovation and creativity, enabling us to deliver consistently high quality services to clients.?

If that isn't as good a reason as any to make radical changes to our working lives as well as our personal lives (it would certainly help a lot if I could manage my time better!), then I don't know what is. I think it's safe to say that we can all benefit from utilising these highly effective methods.

Read on to save time and be more productive!



