4 Quick Steps to Easily Form New Habits as a Real Estate Agent

4 Quick Steps to Easily Form New Habits as a Real Estate Agent

As a Real Estate Agent, you need to have habits in place to give you the best shot at a lifetime of success. Here you will learn four quick tips to help you stick to your goals and habits in real estate.

Do you struggle to stick to habits when you have them picked out? Don’t worry; you are not alone. This is a common struggle.

We have no problem knowing what we need to do. It’s the consistency that most of us struggle with.

Good news, it doesn’t need to be that way. In this Session, you will quickly learn how to stick to a habit with ease.

Form Habits in Real Estate Fast

Follows these 4 Simple rules to create your Habit.

Rule 1: Make it obvious

So the whole concept here is that you basically need to trip over the habit in order to miss it.

He’s a great example of a community within Amsterdam in the 70s where they noticed that the energy usage was going down substantially. And when they looked into this they realized it was because these homes in this community energy usage were lower had their energy meters on the main floor where people could see them every single day whereas the other homes that were just continuing on like normal had their meters in the basement or where they were not plainly visible.

So let’s talk about real estate here. Let’s talk about prospecting. If you want to make prospecting a habit. How do we go about making it obvious. So I’d recommend planning the night before and have a list of exactly the people that you need to call exactly the people that you plan on reaching out to during your prospecting time and put it out on a piece of paper right in front of you. So when you wake up in the morning and you’re sitting down to do your prospecting it is obvious it’s right in front of you here’s your piece of paper with the exact names.

Rule 2: Make it attractive

I love this law only because it definitely calls me out. And this law is all about emotion and it’s about usually the things that are most satisfying in the moment are poor habits and those that are most satisfying in the long term are good habits.

So this is pretty tricky right?

Because something that feels really good right now let’s say missing that prospecting time so that we can spend more time on social media. This feels good right now in the moment because we don’t have to pick up the phone and go through that whole process. But in the long term we will be a lot happier if we follow the good habits. It’s kind of like going to the gym right.

Going to the gym and working out isn’t always the most fun. It’s painful we’re sweating it takes time one of our busy days. And if you were just to skip that habit that day that one day would probably feel pretty good because you’d have that extra time back and you wouldn’t have to go through that process.

However down the road you would regret that decision because you would be lacking your health. The whole idea here is how can we make something attractive to us where we know down the road it will pay off. But in the moment it’s a little bit of a pain. So let’s talk about prospecting how can we make this more attractive to ourselves.

Well we need to focus on the long-term benefit of prospecting so coming back to the fact that you’re going to be happy that you did this in years down the road when you start to see the success that you want is very very powerful.

Rule 3: Make it easy

If you think about the habit of going to the gym or prospecting for one to two hours this just seems hard. And if you can go to the gym or sit down in prospect easily for one to two hours every single day and it doesn’t seem hard then please tell me what your secret sauce is because you must be one of the only ones out there I know I have struggled with this in previous years.

So how do we go about making the task easier than it actually is.

How do we go about making the task of prospecting for two hours easier than it actually is.

So instead of focusing on the task as a whole focus on just the first step. So use the example of going to the gym and we’ve probably heard this one before right. Put out your gym clothes or put out your shoes the night before and you basically it comes back to the obvious thing. You basically have to trip over them in order to go to the gym.

Takes this one step further and “make it obvious so that you trip over them but also make it easy”. Tell yourself that look I’m just gonna go to the gym and I’m going to run on the treadmill for five minutes and the whole concept here is that once you’re there you’re going to continue it.

Another great example here is flossing. So if you want to build up the habit of flossing instead of telling yourself OK I need to floss my teeth” it’s just flossing one tooth. And by the time that you’ve done that chances are you’re going to continue on and finish the rest.

So how can we make it easy to prospect.

What I’d recommend here is just make it your goal to make one phone call. This is only going to take two minutes. This is the two-minute rule. Just make the one phone call once you’ve made one phone call tell yourself we’re just going to make another phone call. So it’s one phone call at a time. It’s not two hours of prospecting that is painful. It is literally just one quick phone call. Anybody can do that.

Rule 4: Make it satisfying

So this builds on to make it attractive. The rule number two and it’s about the habit and in being a long-term win. But with the short-term pain we again need to focus on how we’re going to feel down the road.

But we do also need to give ourselves still a little bit of a boost we still need to feel satisfied so it not just about how it’s going to feel in one to five years down the road of prospecting we also want to have it immediately satisfying.

We have to play on the fact that we are human. And we need some level of immediate satisfaction from doing our prospecting.

Here is an example of Jerry Seinfeld and if you’ve heard this before Jerry Seinfeld had a goal of writing one joke every single day and then on the day that he did write the joke he’d draw a big X through the calendar indicating that he wrote the joke that day and he never wanted to break the streak. So it was small but it was satisfying for him to see a calendar of x x x x x having a full streak a chain of X’s.

So it’s small but effective. It’s not like you’re going to make your one day of prospecting calls and then you’re going to pat yourself on the back take the rest of the week off because you did that one thing. No it’s small but it’s still satisfying.


If you are struggling a miss a day of your habit, no worries, brush yourself off and get right back to it the next day. Try never to miss two days in a row.

Missing two days is enough to put you back to square one.

We all slip up from time to time. Life can get in the way, and we can miss essential tasks like prospecting; however, we can turn a corner and start again fresh the next day.

Bonus Rule: Never miss two days in a row


