4 Quick Parent tips for at home learning.

4 Quick Parent tips for at home learning.


Four quick tips for at-home learning. These tips can be applied to all households. If you are homeschooling, working with a quarantined child, or just want to instill good study habits for homework, these tips for parents will help to make learning easier for both you and your child.

1. Routine, routine routine. I am certain that you have previously heard how important routines can be for children generally. A routined schedule is equally critical to promote effective learning for children. But taking this idea a step further, you want to establish a routine that meets your child’s learning style. For example, if your child is most alert and productive in the morning, then that is when you should plan the bulk of their learning. If afternoons are your child’s strongest time of the day, then set up a routine that incorporates that time as part of a regular study schedule. Also, make sure you incorporate appropriate work and rest periods - some students work best for about one hour max, and then need a fifteen minute break (or some may need a longer break, see tip #3 below). I know one student that did great between 7am and 8am and then his next effective learning time would not return until 3pm. The point is that we need to be aware of each child’s learning style and construct a routine that both matches and maximizes that style. 

2. Eliminate Distractions. We need to get rid of as many as possible environmental distractions as possible if we want to help our children maximize learning time. When we are considering a learning environment for children, we need to consider that children tend to gravitate towards what piques their interest (Okay, this applies to adults as well if we are being truthful). So when you set up a study area, think about what is in (or near) that environment that is likely to affect it as a learning space. Do you have a game console nearby? Are there stuffed animals scattered about? Are papers strewn about that relate to a separate subject matter? I have a good friend who loves books. When she needs to focus on a project, she first has to clear the room of all books, otherwise she will find herself in a comfy chair reading those books instead of working on her assigned project. It is the same for children - we need to help them eliminate distractions in order for them to concentrate on the task at hand, otherwise their attention will be drawn to those things that call to them within the environment. It is important to consider that there are more than just tangible or physical distractions that might call their attention.

Placing a study area next to a window can be great if light is need for a good learning environment. However, if that window faces a sidewalk or is near the front door, then people or animals that are outside, or activities happening within view can be a significant distraction to a bored or tired mind. The same can happen if we set up the study area in a high traffic zone within the home. It is not only easy for the student to become interested in what the rest of the family is doing, it is also quite tempting for family members to ask just a “quick” question as they wander in and out of the study area. Of course, we all know that there is a perfect world, and there is reality. Do the best you can do with your family situation, and maybe brainstorm together as a family to create the best learning/working environment for everyone in the household.

3. Planned Breaks. Breaks are important for the brain to process new information. Planned breaks can give students time to think about how to apply new information or to reflect upon it and reframe the knowledge in a way that makes sense to them. Breaks can also give the brain time to rest, allowing it to be more receptive to more information later that same day. Just like our bodies need nutrition to keep it functioning, the brain needs time to keep it functioning at peak levels. Walking, exercising, drinking water, and eating a healthy snack are all ways we can take a break and take care of our brain. Think about a time when you have had the answer on the tip of your tongue but just can not say it. Later that same day when you are resting the answer suddenly comes to you. This is an example of why it is important to incorporate meaningful breaks as part of our study routine in order to maximize our learning. 

4. Hand-eye coordination. To go along with these breaks, one of the most important parts of our learning process can be to incorporate certain types of physical activity. This tip helps your brain develop crucial abilities that lie at the core of many skills that we need in life - and to do it in a dynamic and fun way. Playing ball and other light physical games are ways in which we train our fine and large motor skills. It also trains our eyes, hands (body) and brain to work together better by processing information through many different senses. Research shows that using play therapy can improve reading skills in children. Some students may have trouble following words from left to right, or some children seem unable to sit still at all. Simple games that include physical aspects such as catching a ball, pushing a heavy item across the floor, or bending and twisting, can all help a child regulate both their body and their brain’s needs - allowing them to focus more on the next learning task. I have routinely done this in classrooms where I see several students getting “squirrely” or unable to settle down for a reading lesson. I have the entire class stop what they're doing and I sing silly made-up songs that have all of us standing up, bending down and twisting all around. After a few deep breaths, we can all settle into our seats for a great reading lesson. I can not say enough about how valuable purposeful play is for promoting effective learning in children (and adults for that matter :)). So do yourself and your child a favor, and build in some fun hand-eye coordination games and physical activity into your daily routine.

Try one or all of these learning tips. They will not only enable learning success, but these parenting tips will make the process easier for you and your child.

Article written for Infinite Learning Academy by Tamyra Telles


