The 4 P's of Business Networking
Nigel T Packer
Digital Customer Experience Consultant, Digital Customer Experience Trainer, Speaker and Author. Available for speaking events, podcasts and interviews on Digital Customer Experience.
A casual look through your in-box and the pages of Eventbrite reveal a plethora of events designed to get business people talking to each other.
Specialist groups, professional bodies and commercial events organisers are busy sending out invitations with encouraging messages of knowledge, opportunity and networking.
Having been involved in the organisation and delivery of hundreds of business events over the years the one question always stands out. Why do so many business people ignore the opportunities of networking.
Why don’t you network?
Some of the responses I have received to this question over the years have been:
- I never meet the people I need to
- It takes too long
- I never get any sales
- People don’t talk to me
- It is full of men
- I haven’t got time
- The events are always too early/too late
Over the last 9 months and based on 20 years of networking experience I have put together a guide book on the subject. To help those who are new, unfamiliar or have reservations on using networking to build their business.
Networking is more than just sales especially for those who are self employed, solopreneurs or just starting out in business. By networking with peers and like minded business people, a wide range of experience and support can be gained from this pleasurable activity. Sales will always come along the way once trust and efficacy have been established.
Networking for Business Contacts
Launched today on Amazon Kindle, my new book is a guide to the 4 P’s of networking.
Get everything ready, get your plans in place.
Taking part, going out there and getting on with it.
Follow up, no point in going to all that effort if you forget or neglect this stage
Make networking work for you in the long term.
Over the next few weeks I will be discussing the 4 P’s. Follow me on LinkedIn and Twitter to be notified when they are out.
If you want to buy the New Book 'Networking for Business Contacts' it is available to download from Amazon Kindle.
Nigel T Packer
Nigel T Packer is a consultant, trainer, mentor and coach. His easy-to-understand, inspiring approach to learning and enthusiastic problem solving is appreciated by his clients and followers. He has been supporting, promoting and advising businesses for over 20 years, working with companies across the UK and Europe.
Focusing for many years on internet marketing, digital business and website promotion he turns his gaze back to look at years of experience building business relationships face-to-face.
He speaks at conferences internationally and is available for public speaking, training, coaching and mentoring at all levels, and from one delegate to as many as you like.
It’s no secret that he loves to talk, so please get in touch with him if you think he might be able to help your business or offer professional advice.