4 Proven Keys Businesses Can Use Today To Get More Leads Without Cold Calling

4 Proven Keys Businesses Can Use Today To Get More Leads Without Cold Calling

Discover The 4 Simple Keys You Can Get An Unlimited Amount of New Leads Reaching Out To You Every Day.

With an estimated 2.912 billion monthly active users and the ability to laser target your ideal prospect, real estate agents should be leveraging?Facebook? for all it has to offer. With that said I will briefly lay out seven different methods any real estate professional can use to get more leads starting today.

Key 1. Community Support and Outreach

For this method, you should set up a page for your local area. I am not talking about your personal page or a business page, but a community page. For example, if I had a local business in Miami, I could set up a page called All Around Miami. I could then post events around the area, highlight local businesses, offer coupons, share news, and become the go to source for everything in my area. This will give you a neutral platform to engage people in your community without being pushy or salesey.

How to Ramp Up Growth: You run a Facebook like campaign and target people in your area that fit the criteria that you want to work with. It can be just $1 a day. For $30 a month you can be adding new people to the group and then exposing them to your business.

Key 2. Establish Your Brand

We need to lay the foundation for our brand. The first thing you want to do is create a Facebook? business page. It should be your name or your brand. For example, I could create a page called Dougherty Consulting. I can use the page to post anything new with the business, have specials, contests, giveaways, ways people can engage with my business and start to see what we offer.

Key 3. Local Authority Branding

Now that we have our business page setup, we need to use it to stay front of mind with any and everyone in our local market that might need real estate services. Create a post on your page discussing the benefits you provide when someone works with you. You can use your success and track record, but don't do it in a way that comes across as arrogant.

How to Ramp Up Growth: We can once again use Facebook ads here to help us build up our base. Use the advanced targeting of Facebook to define your ideal customers and invite them to like and follow your page. This can still be as simple as $1 a day to continue to grow the page and the brand.

Key 4. Elevated Expert Status

This one takes a little more to implement, but the benefits are great. Have a press release written and submitted to the media outlets. Once it is published and live you can run an ad directly to the press release. Combined with all of your other branding and ad this will just ad more front of mind awareness and highlight why you are the right agent for the job.

These are just some of the ways that you can establish yourself in a local community as the ideal choice. If you implement just one or two of these you will be ahead of most of the competition out there. Implement them all and watch our business grow.


