Hiring Productive People you Can Trust

Hiring Productive People you Can Trust

Ever heard the joke about the ideal business?

It would have no staff issues…so no staff. No customers issues…so no customers. No people to deal with—so no problems!

It wouldn’t have any money either, which might be a problem for you eventually!

The “wrong” people cause problems. The “right” people cause solutions.

The wrong people are: Xwork? People.

The right people are: Vwork? People.

Xwork: Stands for eXtra and useless work.

Any time-wasting activity that produces no result & adds no value to your organisation (or life).

Vwork: Valuable work. Completed work which adds value to your organisation (or life).

For more information on Xwork/Vwork see this article:

Why 60% of Business Activity is Waste: The 2 Types of Work

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You can see that no one produces 100% Vwork. Even the most productive people create Xwork from time to time. You may have created Xwork once or twice! ...I certainly have.

While no one creates 100% Xwork all the time, but there are some who come close!

The Xwork/Vwork Ratio?

When hiring you need to attract and find those with a naturally high Vwork ratio:

Example 1: 75% Vwork would be a great employee.

Example 2: 51% Vwork/49% Xwork ratio wouldn’t cut it.

Given a naturally high Xwork/Vwork Ratio you can then improve this in your business by correct onboarding, great training and streamlined organisation.

So how do you spot a Vwork Person? Or more importantly, how do you screen an Xwork Person?

Make the decision to master hiring 

My first business was commercial cleaning. When I started, I noticed a lot of business owners complained about staff and hiring.

They say “people are lazy”, “you can’t trust people”, “hiring is hard”…

Most of these people were struggling business owners and this first Vwork law occurred to me:

Vwork Hiring Law: 

A business owner/manager/executive must know how to identify and hire Vwork People while avoiding Xwork People.

At this point, I decided to learn and master the skill of hiring productive people. There must be laws and processes to take away the guess work and I found them over years of study and practice.

There are basic principles of people. If you know these it’s easier to hire.

These laws are especially important, if you want to grow and build a business that works without you.

Business owners, managers & executives don’t take action because they don’t have enough certainty on what to do. It’s not something you have been trained on. Or you may have been exposed to unworkable ideas by so-called experts.

When the basic principles of a subject are not known you’ll find a lot of opinions, authorities and poor results. You definitely see this in the world of Human Resources and recruiting.

Most top performing leaders I’ve met are frustrated with their HR departments.

In one business I saw psychologists come in and put up big posters of happy faces around the building! Apart from being really weird, it didn’t improve hiring, staff performance or morale!

Vwork Hiring Law: 

There are basic laws on people & hiring. Not knowing the basic laws will cause trouble and upset in an organisation.
The Vwork Laws can can be known and when applied produce results.

Poor hiring = built-in business troubles

Hiring is the first entry point into a business. When it’s done poorly the business has built-in problems. Every time you hire an Xwork person, your business accumulates more problems, more Xwork.

I can usually tell who the Xwork People are, as the management/owners will constantly talk about the same person — their attention is stuck on them. You don’t go home worrying about your best staff, do you?

Xwork People “stick” in the minds of those around them.
Vwork People are a joy to work with and need little attention from management.

 Who’s giving you problems?

All people have equal rights, but not all people are equal:

Xwork people create problems.
Vwork People solve problems.

Eliminate the Xwork people, eliminate many of your problems.

Problems come in many forms:

A deadline that hasn’t been met…

Someone lied and now you have to deal with the after effects…

Someone didn’t do their job and you had to step in to fix it…

Someone promised the world and didn’t deliver…

Mistakes with clients…poor customer service…

Or someone being disagreeable, outright hostile or refusing to work.

I bet while reading this you thought of one or two (or more) Xwork people. They stick in your mind because they create problems.

If you view any major problem you’ve ever had—it came from another person—whether it be your parents, partner, client, staff, contractor, boss, friend, government agency, etc. And chances are it came from an Xwork person.

Warning! Now don’t rush out and fire the next person who gives you a problem, read on—there’s more to know on this subject.

Anyone around here want to do some work?

There is one, and only one reason you employ people, contractors and suppliers:


The even applies to business partners.

The work a person does, is because they are willing—they want to.

Willing people will help out, they say “yes” more often and provide solutions.

Think about your best people. I think you’ll find they are willing to work, willing to serve, willing to help, willing to produce!

Remember a bad boss or upset parent telling you to do something? Look back, the only reason you did it—because YOU decided to!

This commodity called willingness is what we are buying when we hire. Vwork is what we are hiring. No amount of degrees, resumes or certificates can make up for it.

Xwork People are unwilling to work.
Vwork People are willing to work.

Vwork Hiring Law:

All hiring must filter out Xwork People and locate Vwork People.

You can see from this law that a bad hiring process continually adds Xwork to a business.

Getting Vwork People made me the $200 Million Business Coach

Hiring and staff performance comes up in virtually every consulting program I’ve ever delivered. Whether it be the Sales Accelerator, the Organise for Freedom, rescuing a national business, or monthly coaching.

I couldn’t have achieved my results if I didn’t help my clients sort out their staff and hiring issues.

Until now I’ve only implement as part of my higher priced consulting projects or long-term engagements. I’m now releasing this as a stand-alone program it’s called the Vwork Hiring System.

  1. The Vwork Hiring System teaches you the complete Vwork & Xwork Laws on People.
  2. You will learn how to locate and hire Vwork People and build a system which effectively filters out Xwork People.

You can see more on Vwork in this video:

I need your help

I’ve always delivered this as part of my high-level programs, never as a stand-alone service.

I’m looking for 6 companies to take through this program.

I’m looking for small, medium and large businesses. Doesn’t matter what industry—Xwork & Vwork people are in every industry!

The program includes everything in the video above, plus coaching sessions just for you. I will answer your questions and personally work with you to tailor all aspects of the the Vwork Hiring system to your organisation.

I’m going to work with you until you are in control of your hiring.

You’ll have a recruitment system which brings you willing, productive and effective people.

Want to be one of my case studies?

If this sounds good to you, book a time to chat.

I’ll give you a special deal, in exchange you agree to be my fantastic case study, and I will be promoting your success globally!

Be Valuable,

Oisín Grogan is the $200 Million Business Coach.

Founder of the Vwork System—Hiring & Team Productivity.

He provides Results-Driven Coaching Programs & guidance to help leaders hire better staff, increase productivity & reach their goals faster.

Aishwarya Somal

Migration Lawyer | Migration Consultant | Business Migration | Skilled Migration | Partner Visas | Employer Sponsored Visas | Brisbane | Sydney

7 年

Valuable insights. Thanks.

James Boriack

Fleet and Business management using technology to deliver actionable intelligence to the right people at the right time in the right context while ensuring that business systems are aligned, in sync and secure.

7 年

Rodney Sims I think this is what you call a passionate employee. "Think about your best people. I think you’ll find they are willing to work, willing to serve, willing to help, willing to produce!"


