4 Pre-Sleep Tips for Quality Sleep when working Nightshifts

This is not my routine but my lifestyle. A little bit about my shift- It starts 1930 and clock out 0400 hour. For high quality sleep a pre-sleep routine is vital.

Here are 4 pre-sleep tips that I follow when working nightshift.

  1. Avoid Greasy & Sugary solids and liquids at least 4 hours before bedtime. I never rested well enough to wake up the next day feeling fresh as an English cucumber if I slept with a full belly of sugary Soft drink and Cheese pizza with extra toppings.
  2. Limiting water intake at least 2 to 1.5 hours before bedtime. This helps me sleep throughout without any interruptions to visit the loo.
  3. No strong tea or coffee after the mid shift break. When I hit the bed, the last thing I need is to stay awake rolling either way. This will just make me anxious & wake up restless to meet the demands of the next day.
  4. Stretching in the shower is an effective to allow myself to cooldown and prepare my body to rest. Then I lie down, close my eyes to meditate. Needless to say I fall sleep within seconds.

I live just above the north of the equator, so it's pretty dark when I start work and go to bed. I have not considered anything else that may be important. May be it's different for someone working in a country with all 4 seasons.

Let me know your thoughts about pre-sleep routine and how it helps you getting through nightshifts.


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