4 Pillars of Recovery
Has addiction treatment failed for you in the past? Is staying clean and sober difficult?
This information could make a difference…
The Four Pillars of Addiction Treatment are as follows:
A Structured Treatment Program
Medication-Assisted Treatment
Family Involvement and Integration
Recovery Network and 12 Step Support
Observation and experience has proven that these principles are essential to successful long-term addiction treatment. Each pillar is important by itself, but for the recovering addict or alcoholic a firm recovery needs to incorporate all four pillars.
What exactly do these pillars consist of?
More importantly, how does quality treatment centres like Tranquility Home Rehabilitation Clinic provide clients with these tools?
The First Pillar: Structured Treatment Program
Early recovery can be a disruptive, emotionally challenged and sensitive situation.
A structured treatment programme and a stable therapeutic environment are conducive to recovery. By establishing an effective routine with planned activities, the treatment provider creates a comfortable and safe place for recovery to occur.
At Tranquility we structure their treatment program to accommodate the individual.
As recovery progresses with ongoing assessments, the treatment structure may change or adapt to meet the individual needs of each person.
The Second Pillar:
Medication-Assisted Treatment
Medication-Assisted Treatment or MAT has become an integral part of addiction treatment. The Tranquility professional medical team consists of a medical doctor, a psychiatrist and professional nurses.
MAT can help people addicted to various mind-altering substances. Medicines that reduce cravings and interrupt narcotic effects can assist in alcohol and opioid detoxification. Treatment protocols are designed to assist in the withdrawal process and not as an opiate substitution therapy.
Other medications, non-addictive, can help with anxiety, physical discomfort and insomnia. As more medications are developed to assist in addiction recovery, MAT is going to become more wide-spread.
The Third Pillar: Family Involvement and Integration
Often undervalued as a component of recovery, the family recovery is integral to successful treatment. In active addiction, the addict and the family are often involved in a co-dependent or toxic relationship. Tranquility encourages rebuilding of the family unit and helps each member of the family to recover in their own way. They encourage family members to play a constructive role in the addict’s recovery. Onsite family support group meetings are held weekly.
The Fourth Pillar: Recovery Network and 12 Step Support
Experience has taught addiction professionals that a strong recovery support system, such as a 12 step program, can be a huge asset in staying clean and sober. Support groups are integral to continuum of care as treatment is only the first step in the recovery process. Having a group of peers, recovering alcoholics or addicts, can help reduce feelings of loneliness and guilt. Mentorship through the sponsorship concept ensures that the recovering addict is guided through recovery. Meetings provide a safe haven to openly express emotions in a confidential, caring and non-judgemental environment.
It is also an effective way for someone new to recovery to begin making connections and friendships to people who have overcome addiction. These relationships and the support of sober peers can boost early recovery. These early connections may develop into real friendships that can last a lifetime. Tranquility has 6 onsite recovery meetings per week.
Each one of the Four Pillars for Successful Addiction Treatment plays a unique role in the overall recovery process. If all four of these pillars are being implemented during addiction treatment, the client has the best chances of long-term sobriety.
These four pillars support sobriety and if one of these pillars is ignored or ceased, then sobriety becomes less stable like a chair that is missing a leg. Take away another pillar, and sobriety becomes a two-legged stool, bound to topple over.