4 Nutritional Changes to Make Once You Hit 40

4 Nutritional Changes to Make Once You Hit 40

Even though I'm in the anti-aging skin care industry, I always tell people that skin care doesn't just start and end at washing your face, wearing broad spectrum sunscreen, and putting on moisturizer daily. What you eat and drink has a lot to do with how your skin looks too. Taking care of your skin consistently using safe and effective products is very important when it comes to having healthy, radiant skin. Eating the right foods also plays an important role when it comes to the quality of your skin.

When I was in college getting my Dietetics degree, my professors always placed importance on the fact that consistent, proper care of skin using products with the right ingredients and formulations in them AND proper nutrition go hand-in-hand. Good nutrition is a fundamental building block of healthy skin. The ingredients in certain foods help do everything from speed up the pace of exfoliation to protecting skin from UV damage that causes brown spots and wrinkles. It's important to follow a well-rounded diet of healthy fats, sufficient protein, and lots of fruits and veggies. There are so many different foods that have a tremendous ability to fight the aging process as they are chock full of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that your body needs to combat wrinkles and other skin issues. Eating foods such as fish and seafood, green leafy veggies, berries, nuts, tomatoes, eggs, spices, probiotics, and yes, even some dark chocolate all can help your skin look healthy and more youthful-looking. Avoid processed, refined foods, and sugars as much as possible. Great skin happens when your digestive tract is working well.

Here's some good news for you…age and weight don't have to be correlated. While there are many people who gain weight once hitting the big 4-0, it doesn't mean you have to. Even in an age full of hormonal and metabolic changes, all it takes is a few key diet modifications to stay looking and feeling your best. You should already be following a healthy, balanced diet before turning 40, but it's important to be aware of your diet once you pass this milestone. For healthier, younger-looking, glowing skin, take care of it by consistently following a skin care routine using safe and effective products and make sure to follow these 4 tips below.

Ditch the Sugar

We all should've cut back on sugar a long time ago, but after 40, it's especially important. As Anne Alexander explains in The Sugar Diet, it starts with the natural process called glycation, where sugar in your bloodstream attaches to proteins in your body to form new molecules called advanced glycation end products, also known as AGEs. Eating sugar causes AGEs to accumulate and damage nearby proteins, especially collagen and elastin, which keep skin firm. Once damaged, these fibers lose their natural resiliency and become dry and brittle, which leads to more wrinkles and sagging. Now, here is some good news about sugar-damaged skin...It's never too late to turn back the clock.

I know that it's not easy or even realistic to eliminate sugar completely. Foods such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables turn to glucose when digested. However, try to limit added sugar intake, which can help. Keep added sugar to no more than 10% of total calories. Keep an eye on hidden refined sugars in foods too, such as high fructose corn syrup, barley malt, corn syrup, dextrose, fruit juice concentrate, maple syrup, molasses, turbinado, glucose, sucrose, and maltose. They are often found in processed foods, condiments, frozen entrees, and pasta sauces. The key is determining how many teaspoons of sugar each serving contains. Doing this is easy...Check nutrition labels for sugars, which are listed in grams under total carbohydrates, and then divide that number by 4 (each teaspoon of sugar is equal to 4 grams) to convert it to teaspoons. For example, if sugars are listed as 6 grams, you're getting 1.5 teaspoons of sugar per serving.

Get Some Extra Zzz's

As women get closer to menopause, quality of sleep deteriorates. Making sure you're getting 7-8 hours of sleep guarantees your hunger hormones are regulated. One poor night's sleep can increase the hunger hormone, grehlin, and decrease the satiety hormone, leptin, by about 15% for both. This makes a healthy balanced diet difficult to stick to day to day due to sleep-induced food cravings. Sleep is the time when your skin rejuvenates, which is important for healthy, beautiful skin. Your body repairs itself during sleep and you notice it in your skin, especially your eyes, if you are well rested. However, sleep with your face up and on your back. Sleeping on your side or face down can cause permanent wrinkles.

Eat Green Leafy Veggies with a Fat

Green leafy veggies are high in antioxidants, which is important for anti-aging. Green leafy vegetables like kale, broccoli, spinach, collard greens, swiss chard, and brussels sprouts are rich in alpha lipoic acid (ALA). ALA is one of the most powerful anti-aging agents because of its high concentration of antioxidants that fight free radicals that cause aging. It also acts as an anti-inflammatory, decreasing under eye circles, puffiness, redness, blotchiness, and wrinkles. Dark green, leafy vegetables are one the most concentrated sources of nutrition, rich in minerals (iron, calcium, potassium, and magnesium) and vitamins (K, C, E, and some B vitamins) and they provide a variety of phytonutrients including beta-carotene and lutein. They also contain high levels of vitamin A, which fights acne and repairs damaged skin. However, did you know that the fat-soluble vitamins and antioxidants in green leafy veggies are 300% more bioavailable in the body when eaten with fat? Add good fats like avocado and olive oil to your leafy greens and salads. Try to consume at least 3-5 cups of green leafy vegetables per week and add some good fats like avocado, nuts, and olive oil with them.

Avoid Industrial Seed Oils

Industrial seed oils are sunflower oil, canola oil, soybean oil, safflower oil, corn oil, and cotton seed oil, most of which are found in dressings, marinades, crackers, and chips. According to celebrity nutritionist Kelly LeVeque…"One thing that can age you is the intake of industrial seed oil. A lot of times they oxidize and are very high in omega-6, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but you're supposed to have a 1-to-1 ratio between omegas 3 and 6. Unfortunately, most Americans have a ratio of 15-to-1 or 25-to-1, which puts our bodies into more of an inflammatory state. Not only are these industrial oils high in omega 6, but they also oxidize and are oftentimes unstable, meaning they become a free radical in the body, which can obviously damage the skin." Use olive oil and avocado oil instead.

Other diet and lifestyle changes to consider once you hit 40 as well:

  • Make sure you're drinking enough water. Generally, 8 glasses of water a day is recommended, but you may need more or less depending on your individual physical activity, body composition, and climate. Also, fruits and vegetables rich in water such as citrus, berries, tomatoes, watermelon, cucumbers, peppers, greens, and squash help you stay hydrated.
  • Add weight lifting to your exercise routine at least twice a week. Make sure you are using proper form when lifting weights so you don't cause any injuries to your body.
  • Eat more protein. You start losing lean muscle mass in your 30s and that continues into your 40s, so it's important to eat high-quality protein to help preserve lean muscle mass and enable better calorie burning. Shift your daily protein intake to eat it evenly throughout the day rather than getting your protein all in one meal.
  • Get a mammogram every 1-2 years depending on your family history and risk factors. Breast cancer hits 1 in 8 women, which is why early detection is key.
  • Take care of your heart. Since heart disease is the leading cause of death in women (1 in 3 women die from heart disease), make sure to get your blood pressure, fasting glucose levels, and body weight checked yearly to avoid being at risk for hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease.
  • Get yearly skin checkups with your dermatologist for any skin changes and suspicious-looking moles.
  • Get your vision checked. When turning 40, presbyopia can develop (eyes begin to lose their ability to focus up close), so wearing proper glasses and/or contact lenses may be necessary for your vision.

So once you turn 40, start incorporating these nutrition tips regularly in your diet if you're not already doing so and consistently take care of your skin using safe and effective skin care products. Exercising, a healthy balanced diet, and taking care of your skin all go hand-in-hand. Follow a healthy balanced diet and lifestyle, and improve your skin! Have any other diet and nutrition tips you would like to share with me? Please feel free to comment below.




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