4 More Ways to Do Strategic Social Media That Connects the Dots of Your Marketing

4 More Ways to Do Strategic Social Media That Connects the Dots of Your Marketing

How do you use social media strategically to connect the dots of your marketing, rather than randomly tweet or post things and hope someone sees it?

That's a question I hear a lot. So I answered it in last week's Office Hours on YouTube, the monthly group coaching session for everyone who has my Simplest Marketing Planner.

Watch and then let me know what to add to the list of tips below.

  1. Tweet and post from an event where you're doing "strategic networking." Tag the new people you meet and the speakers. And don't forget to use the event's hashtag.
  2. Repost an article on LinkedIn that was originally posted to your blog. Change up the intro and/or outro and add a call to action (like mine below) -- that's "pain point content marketing." One client did that last week, it hit one prospect's feed at the right time and boom! He got the project!
  3. Start a “pain point” conversation on LinkedIn then turn it into a newsletter and blog post (that's pain point content marketing). Here's one of my examples.
  4. Podcast from an event. Not sure exactly what this is from @WholeWhale, but I like it: https://www.wholewhale.com/podcast/118/

How are you using social media strategically to connect the dots of your marketing? And how is it working?

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