4 Money Management Tips [for Dealing with Entitled Kids]
Sarah Carlson at Fulcrum Financial Group
Founder and Experienced Financial Life Manager | Championing Financial Freedom for Women | Aligning Wealth and Personal Values | Supporting Your Journey | Leading with Love | Author
You want to do what's right for your teenager. Sometimes, though, it's hard to know what the "right" thing is, especially where money is concerned.
When they were young, they depended on you for everything, and were, mostly, grateful for what you provided, or at least accepting. The teenage years bring all sorts of changes, hormonal, cultural, physiological, and mental. Adulthood is tantalizingly close, and with it, a slew of rights and freedoms they have never had—including the right to your money.
They may demand, cajole, trick, and even steal from you.?For a variety of reasons, often related to your own background and relationship to money,?you give in, draining your accounts to satisfy their insatiable?appetites. They become like vampires sucking your very lifeblood—the money you have earned and need for your own future. And you, their victim, feel powerless to resist.
They want a car. No: they?need?a car. Then, they need to buy insurance and gas, and pay for car repairs and maintenance, and want you to provide the funds. And if there's an accident, guess who they expect will pay?
With every outlay, you tell yourself—and them—that?this?is the last time. Their hunger satisfied for now, they agree. Soon, though, they're back for more. The money vampire can never, ever be fully satiated.
What is a Money Vampire?
Money vampires come in all ages, shapes, sizes, and relationships: your teenage son, your young adult daughter, your?romantic partner or spouse, your mother or father, your brother or sister, your closest friend. At worst, they are narcissists, incapable of empathy. At best, they are selfish, thinking only of themselves and their needs and desires—which they can only meet using your money.
Your teenager's incessant demands, however, probably don't lead to a personality disorder. Science shows that the prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain responsible for executive functions such as planning and impulse control,?doesn't fully mature until around age 25. So when your teen says they really?need?your funds, they aren't necessarily being manipulative:?they probably believe it.
Tough Love for Good Parenting
To an immature mind, hearing "no" to an urgent demand or plea can seem like the end of the world. In fact, though, setting boundaries is one of the best things you can do for your teen's healthy development. Remember,?you?are their primary role model. Do you want them to become who give everything they have to others and neglect themselves?
Respect for money is a crucial indicator of self-respect. If your teen sees you taking care of yourself financially, they will learn to do the same for themselves. What greater gift could you give to a child than self-respect?
Here are four strategies for helping your teenage vampire control their appetite, and start the transformation into a responsible adult:
Simple things you can do to help them kick their addiction to your money include:
Tough love can be harder on the person administering it than on the recipient. Unlike your teenager, though, you have a fully mature brain able to think and plan long-term.?
Saying "no" may be difficult today but, done lovingly and firmly, can set your teen on the path toward fiscal?responsibility. Someday, your teen will thank you; your financial accounts will thank you; and you will thank you as you use the resources you have wisely managed to live your best life.
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