Staci Weller
CEO-Shakti Tribe Meditation, Life/Relationship Coach, Speaker, 5D Leader & Teacher
Hello Friends,
This month US HER STORY MONTH, THE FEMINIST POWER MOVEMENT CLAIMS FULL SELF SOVERIEGNTY FOR WOMEN AND GIRLS GLOBALLY AND CONSTITUTIONAL EQUALITY FOR US WOMEN. AS OUR BIRTHRIGHT! For Thousands of years humans have looked outside themselves for sources of affirmation. The Feminist Movement in the US is a mirror for human evolution. The Microcosm reflects the Macrocosm.
Tantra is the weaving and expanding of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies in us all. Together we will follow the frequency of Unconditional Love into a new world based in Peace.
In the 4 min video below our Executive Director, Staci shares about how that status of women has been dependent on political structures based in misogyny.
Please consider subscribing to the Feminist Power Tantra Patreon:
The current Status of Gender Equality in the US Constutition, The ERA, and how the US Government has NEVER supported women unless they are forced to do so. She suggests that these shadow systems have seeded, nurtured, and maintained abuse and control systems designed to keep us in FEAR. Misogyny is the Foundation for dominator consciousness, and our opportunity is to delete it with great Compassion, Wisdom and most of all LOVE. We are here to birth a new world, now is our time!
To learn more about the ERA visit:
For gender equality relationship consulting or to take action , please reach out to Staci here: