4. Make America Truthful Again #MATA
Rick Botelho
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Take the Truth Pledge
To address the deep cause roots for our corrupt, crony democracy, we, the People, must advocate for creating a bipartisan pledge that holds politicians transparently accountability to the truth, with consequences (including grounds for disqualification) for pledge violations.
All candidates must sign the truth pledge before applying for political office. This is the best strategy for getting rid of con artists, corruption and the three fatal character flaws in politics: narcissism, sociopathy and megalomania. This is essential for creating a virtuous democracy to serve the people.
Stop the Abuse of Free Speech
Free speech without transparent accountability promotes lying in politics. The abuse of free speech has created epidemics of fake news. In the post-truth era, beliefs and bias trump facts and evidence in the alt-reality. The negativity of fake news is diminishing the USA.
- Without truth, there is no trust in politics.
- Without trust, there is no good governance.
- Without good governance, we cannot "Make America Great Again".
Political extremists exert disproportionate power by using bias, falsehoods and fake news to reinforce their hard-core tribal loyalty. Political fundamentalism on the fringes perpetuate dysfunctional polarizations to control the center.
Most mainstream republicans and democrats avoid discussing what is fake news outside of their political bubbles. This avoidance leaves the silent majority powerless in the middle.
Trump divides people into warring factions. He abuses his free speech by manipulating his tribe into hating and scapegoating others. His fear-mongering, fake news and false promises bind his followers together in a bond of blind loyalty.
The Resistance and Not My President movements have escalated the levels of dysfunctional political polarizations with counterproductive effects. Trump supporters have become more loyal and blind to his fake news.
Put Truth Above Party Loyalty
Blind political loyalty prevents warring fractions from reaching common ground about what's true and false. Free-thinkers put truth above party loyalty.
True patriots soar on the wings of truth.
To reach higher ground, we must rise up together up for truth, transparent accountability and justice.
Trump skillfully maintains his loyal base by using his 30 million Twitter account. #Trumpites believe his fake news. His unified minority rides roughshod over the fragmented silent majority.
Trump-ism is just a symptom of a much larger problem that enabled his presidency. Firing Trump will not address the deep root problem. The alt-right propaganda machine is a war of words without weapons. This neo-terrorism has successfully generated disproportional political power. The tail wags the dog.
Trump used Twitter and four words, Make America Great Again, to win the Presidency.
We, the people, can use Twitter and four words, Make America Truthful Again, to end the tyranny of negative politics. To unite the silent majority in defeating fake news, we must engage activist groups to use petitions for the truth campaign.
We, the people, must take charge of the News Media Cycle by using a combination of advocacy strategies and petitions to :
- #InviteTrumptoResign
- #ImpeachTrump
- #FireTrump
These strategies will help put an end to political insanity.
1. #InviteTrumptoResign
If Trump were a CEO, the Board of Directors would ask him to resign based on his dysfunctional leadership, his toxic culture and the destruction of the USA brand.
This invitation is a no-confidence vote in Trump. Imagine millions of people making this request.
We, the people, invite President Trump to resign with immunity provided that he gives full disclosure about
- #TrumpTaxReturns
- #PutinGate
- #TrumpRussia ties
Trump’s response to this deal will depend on what he's hiding and what will be revealed. Trump's refusal to accept this invitation could set the stage to:
- Create divisions within his political base
- Flip the Senate and Congress in the 2018 mid-term elections.
2. #ImpeachTrump
Comey’s testimonial laid the foundation for a possible impeachment. It will take time for Special Counsellor Robert Mueller to gather evidence to justify impeachment and the prosecution of Trump associates. Impeachment proceedings are unlikely given that the GOP puts their party above the people.
Only the voices and the votes of the people can make the GOP come to their senses and put our republic above their party. The court of public opinion could sway the GOP.
3. #FireTrump
Truth-seekers advocate for using the 25th Amendment to remove Trump, based on his incompetence, his fake news addiction and his character flaws: sociopathy, narcissism and megalomania.
How much worse does Trump's incompetence have to deteriorate before truth-seekers persuade the GOP that enough is enough?
What will be the final straw to break the GOP bonds of blind unconditional loyalty?
Create Social Media Chain Reactions
Ask journalists, politicians, organizations and activist groups with large social reaches to unite in signing up to #MakeAmericaTruthfulAgain.
Sign up and invite your connections to sign up to this Thunderclap campaign.
- Use your Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr accounts to invite your connections to sign up this campaign.
- Use your Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr accounts using the grey boxes to launch the social media blast to #InviteTrumptoResign
To drain the swamp, we must call on our representatives from the Senate and Congress to advocate for creating the Bipartisan Truth Pledge for political office. We must reverse the downward spiral of politics into the gutter. This is the only hope to "Make America Great Again.
Lobby Government
Please sign up to this petition to create the Bipartisan Pledge for Truth.
Principal at Elysium Digital
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