4 Life-Saving Tips for Drivers to Master Accra's Deadly Intersections
Fountain Fleet Solutions Limited
Our customer-first mindset guarantees the optimum fleet performance
As I approach a traffic light, my first instinct is to slow down.
The light might turn yellow and then red, or there might be a pedestrian crossing (who probably shouldn't), or safety rules require that I slow down (I actually teach this stuff).
So, be honest with me, I promise no one is watching you.
Imagine you’re driving along a busy road in Accra, and you see a traffic light ahead.
What first comes to mind?
Do you slow down and prepare to stop, or do you speed up and hope to make it through?
If you choose the latter, you’re not alone.
Many drivers in Accra have a habit of driving aggressively and ignoring road signs, especially at intersections.
But this behavior can have serious consequences.
According to the National Road Safety Authority, intersections are the most common locations for road accidents in Ghana, accounting for 40% of all crashes in 2021.
Now, how can you avoid becoming a statistic and stay safe on the road?
Here are some tips to help you brake safely and responsibly at intersections.
Why Do Drivers Drive Aggressively?
We have all seen these drivers who rarely plan to stop as they approach an intersection, junction, traffic light, or roundabout.
Of course, you know these are people who have driven aggressively for years and perhaps even decades.
They never yield the right of way to oncoming vehicles, and very soon these drivers may run out of luck.
More vehicles will be on the road in Accra in 2024 than in 2023. This is just one of the reasons there’s more traffic on the roadways, even when it’s not rush hour.
If you’re a safe driver, you probably wonder why these drivers take such risks by driving aggressively.
We believe it’s a habit (albeit, a bad one).
Sadly, all categories of drivers in Accra drive this way, including privately owned vehicles, taxis, and local commercial buses (tro tro).
However, it doesn’t have to be this way.
The number of accidents I have avoided at intersections is alarming, thanks to the numerous defensive driving courses I have participated in over the years.
The Dangers of Late Braking
Driving aggressively and ignoring road signs is not only rude and irresponsible, but also dangerous.
Late braking can cause many problems, such as:
Rear-end collisions: If you brake too late, you may not have enough time or space to stop safely, and you may hit the vehicle in front of you. This can damage your car, injure yourself and others, and increase your insurance costs.
Head-on collisions: If you brake too late, you may lose control of your car and swerve into the opposite lane, where you may collide with another vehicle. This can result in serious injuries or even death for both parties.
Running red lights: If you brake too late, you may not be able to stop at a red light, and you may enter the intersection when it is not your turn. This can cause you to crash into other vehicles or pedestrians who have the right of way, or get an infraction from the police.
Failing to yield: If you brake too late, you may not be able to yield the right of way to other vehicles or pedestrians who have priority, such as those on a major road, those turning left, or those crossing the street. This can cause you to block their path, create traffic jams, or cause accidents.
The Right Way to Approach Intersections
To avoid these dangers and drive safely and responsibly at intersections, you should follow some simple rules:
1.?Slow down: As soon as you see an intersection, junction, traffic light, or roundabout, you should start slowing down your vehicle. This will give you more time and space to react to any situation and reduce the impact of any collision.
2.?Obey road signs: You should always obey the road signs that indicate what you should do at an intersection, such as stop, yield, or turn. You should also pay attention to the traffic lights and follow their signals. Do not try to beat the red light or ignore the stop sign, as this can put you and others in danger.
3.?Scan the surroundings: You should always scan the surroundings of the intersection, looking at the front, left, right, and rear of your vehicle. You should also check your mirrors and blind spots. This will help you spot any potential hazards, such as other vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists, or animals, and avoid them.
4.?Communicate your intentions: You should always communicate your intentions to other road users using your indicators, horn, or hand signals. This will help them know what you are planning to do and adjust accordingly. For example, if you want to turn left, you should signal left and move to the left lane. If you want to turn right, you should signal right and move to the right lane.
5 Simple Steps to Brake Safely
If you follow these rules, you will be able to brake safely and responsibly at intersections.
Here are five simple steps to help you do so:
1. Start braking slowly as you approach.
2. Reduce your speed some more by braking more firmly.
3. If you are at a traffic light and you notice the lights have been green for a while, prepare to stop.
4. Start scanning around (front, left, right, and rear).
5. By the time you reach the junction, you should brake until your vehicle comes to a complete stop.
What to Do When You Have the Right of Way
Sometimes, you may have the right of way at an intersection, meaning that you can go first or continue without stopping.
For example, you may have the right of way if you are on a major road, if you have a green traffic light, or if you are going straight.
However, having the right of way does not mean that you can drive recklessly or ignore other road users. You should still be cautious and courteous, and watch out for the driver joining the road.
If you see a driver joining the road from a minor road, a driveway, or a parking lot, you should watch them carefully.
Ask yourself these questions:
If you cannot answer these questions, be prepared to slow down or stop.
Even if you have the right of way, the driver may not yield to you or may misjudge the situation.
They may pull out in front of you, cut you off, or hit you.
To avoid this, you should be ready to slow down or stop if necessary and let them go first.
This may seem unfair, but it is better than having an accident.
Driving safely and responsibly at intersections is not only a matter of law but also a matter of common sense and courtesy.
By following these tips, you can avoid accidents, injuries, and fines and make the road a safer place for everyone.
Remember, the best way to brake is to brake early, not late.
We hope you find this article helpful and informative.
If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, please feel free to contact us. We would love to hear from you.
And if you are interested in taking a defensive driving course or learning more about how we can help you improve your fleet operations, save lives, and reduce costs, please send us an email or call us.
We are here to help you.
You are only one call away from greatness.
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That’s all for now.
Catch you next Tuesday.
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