4 Lessons Disney Can Teach You About Marketing and How You Can Use Them For Your Own Brand
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4 Lessons Disney Can Teach You About Marketing and How You Can Use Them For Your Own Brand

When you hear the word?Disney,?what do you think of? Maybe it’s princesses and fairy tales, a magical family trip to Disneyland, or the feeling of being a kid all over again.

Whatever it is, one thing’s for sure…

There’s a reason Disney’s become such a powerful influence in the world of media and entertainment. And the answer might surprise you.


Disney has become what they are today because of their genius marketing strategy.

Marketing you say? Yes, Disney is the king?of marketing!

But what exactly makes the company’s marketing strategy so effective, and how can you use it in your own business?

Here are four of the most important marketing lessons you can learn from the company to create a bit of “Disney Magic” for your own brand.

1. Tell a Story

At its core, Disney is a storytelling company.

Think about it. You watch their movies because of their ability to tell unique, heartwarming stories. You visit their amusement parks because it makes you feel like you’re part of the story yourself.

When Disneyland was being developed, Walt Disney told a construction worker:

You’re not just laying bricks. You’re building a castle.

The man lived to tell stories. And Disney still carries that philosophy to this day.

All staff members at the parks are referred to as “cast members.” Because in the eyes of the company, they’re always on stage. Always putting on a show.

Their job is to tell stories that resonate and inspire. And the best way to do this??Completely immerse yourself in the story you’re trying to tell.

? Why This Is Effective ?

Disney’s storytelling is so effective because we can’t help but be drawn to stories. Especially ones we relate to.

Disney creates characters we can empathize with, plotlines that grab our attention, and environments we want to be part of.

The company uses storytelling to play into our emotions and inspire us. We can see ourselves in the character’s shoes. We can relate to their struggles and challenges. They inspire us to face our fears and accomplish our goals.

Disney tells stories that are relatable, play into your emotions, and inspire you like no other company can. And?that’s?why Disney’s storytelling ability is unmatched.

? How You Can Use This in Your Own Business ?

Just as Disney uses stories to inspire their customers, your business should do the same.

Tell stories your customers can relate to. Show them you’re so much more than a brand. You’re a person or group of people just like them.

What challenges did you overcome? What inspired you to start your business? What advice would you give to someone in their shoes?

Be personable. Tell a story that inspires others. Play into their emotions.?Because when you inspire and relate to others, you’ll never have trouble finding customers.

There’s always going to be a demand for telling great stories.

2. Leave a Lasting Impression

You know what they say. Word of mouth advertising is the most effective type of marketing. And Walt Disney knew this better than anyone. He once said:

Whatever you do, do it well. Do it so well that when people see you do it, they will want to come back and see you do it again, and they will want to bring others and show them how well you do what you do.

Walt Disney believed that leaving a lasting impression on your customers was one of, if not the best thing, you could do for your business.

Why? Because he knew the power of word-of-mouth advertising.

Think about it. If you discover a new company with incredible products, enjoy your customer experience, and can’t wait to come back, what are you likely to do? Tell a friend about the company, of course!

One reason for Disney’s success is they always go above and beyond for their customers. They leave a lasting impression. They create the most magical experience. And in many cases, they create memories that last a lifetime.

? Why This is Effective ?

In everything they do, Disney always makes sure they’re at the top of your mind when it comes to fun and entertainment. They leave a lasting impression by creating memorable experiences.

We’ve all heard it before:

People will forget what you said. They’ll forget what you did. But they’ll never forget the way you made them feel.

This couldn’t be more true for Disney. You’ll always remember the feeling of visiting Disneyland for the first time or watching your first Disney movie in theaters.

And that feeling is powerful. You’ll want to share it with your friends and family. It will make you never forget who Disney is. It will always keep them at the top of your mind.

Now?that’s?what I call leaving a lasting impression.

? How You Can Use This in Your Own Business ?

How can your brand leave a lasting impression just like Disney??Go above and beyond in everything you do.

Put your customers first and make them feel welcome. Take time and care to craft your products. Build a relationship with your audience.

Leave a lasting impression in every stage of the customer journey. From telling an inspiring origin story. To making your customers feel special when receiving their products. To staying connected even after they purchase.

Businesses are becoming more personal. Customers want to get to know brands on a deeper level and build relationships with the people behind the logo.

Add a bit of personality to what you do. Find your brand voice. Build relationships with your customers and leave them with no choice but to tell their friends how great you are.

Leave a lasting impression and you’ll always have a steady stream of customers coming back for more.

3.?Don’t Sell a Product. Sell an Idea

Disney doesn’t sell movies. They sell a feeling of nostalgia.

They don’t sell tickets to an amusement park. They sell family memories that last a lifetime.

It may not look like it on the surface, but Disney doesn’t sell products. They sell feelings. Emotions. Inspiration.

Because they know customers don’t buy a product. They buy the?idea?behind the product.

So how does Disney use this to their advantage?

They sell the outcome instead of the product itself. They market the benefits instead of the features.

The best products are those that sell themselves. And Disney does this better than any company around.

? Why This is Effective ?

Customers don’t buy products because of their features (okay, at least not?most?of the time). They buy products because of the benefit they’ll get from buying them.

Take for example a new laptop. No one really cares what processing chip it has or the type of storage it includes. They only care what those things will?do?for them.

New processing chip = Faster experience

More storage = More space for games and apps

You see. People don’t care?how?the job gets done. They only care that the job?does?get done.

And customers already know that no matter what Disney does. No matter what process or strategy they use. They’ll get the job done and leave you with an experience you’ll never forget…?Every. Single. Time.

? How You Can Use This in Your Own Business ?

Whatever it is you sell. Whether it’s software, clothing, or anything else in between. Think of the big idea behind your product.?What’s the idea you’re trying to sell?

How will your clothing benefit your customer? What do you want them to feel when they use your software for the first time? What’s the exact outcome of using your product?

Take your customers on a journey.?How will your product — and?only?your product — get them from Point A to Point B?

Sell the idea behind your product and the product will sell itself.

4. Create a Community

The most valuable asset of any business is the community they create. Do you ever see a popular brand and think to yourself, “How on earth did they become so popular?”

Well, the answer is genius marketing and creating a community around the brand.

But not just any community… a “cult-like community.” A following that’ll buy from you and support you no matter what happens. No matter what products you launch or which direction you take your business.

Think about the community behind Disney.

Mickey ears. Matching family shirts. Artwork. Kitchenware… the list goes on and on.

They can sell?literally?anything because there’s always going to be a demand for it. Their customers love Disney as a brand. For who they are and the emotions and feelings they evoke.

Now, it’s taken many?years for Disney to create the “cult-like following” they have today. Not every brand can pull it off like they have.

But if you have a loyal community that loves and supports your brand? No matter what happens, you’ll always have people who support you and spread your vision.

And that’s irreplaceable.

? Why This is Effective ?

It doesn’t matter what market you’re in. Creating a community will always be one of the most important things you can do for your brand.


Because people love being part of something bigger than themselves.?They want to share their experiences, interests, and passions with others. They want their purchase to?mean?something and go toward something bigger than the brand.

If someone resonates with the vision or goal of a brand, they want to share that with others. Because it makes them feel like they’re supporting something bigger than themselves. Bigger than the brand.

They’re supporting the brand’s mission, vision, and goals.

People don’t just support Disney for being Disney. They support their values and everything they stand for…

Happiness. Joy. Inspiration. Memories.

And if you have a community of people you can share those same feelings and ideas with? You’ll never struggle to find customers.

? How You Can Use This in Your Own Business ?

The first step is making your vision, mission, and goals clear. What’s the purpose of your brand? What sparked the idea to start it? Remember, people don’t buy a product. They buy the?idea?behind a product.

Show that you’re so much more than a brand. Be personable. Share ideas and tell stories that people can relate to.

Narrow down on your “why.”?Why?are you doing what you’re doing? For example, Disney’s mission statement is:

The mission of The Walt Disney Company is?to entertain, inform and inspire people around the globe?through the power of unparalleled storytelling, reflecting the iconic brands, creative minds and innovative technologies that make ours the world’s premier entertainment company.

Kind of a mouth-full, but you get the idea.

If you have a clear mission, it’ll be much easier to find people who support your brand.

Build a community around a single idea. Around your mission.?Then?build products that support the idea.

When you create a strong and loyal community, you’ll always have people who support your brand, tell their friends, and turn your ideas into a lifestyle.

So how exactly did Disney become the media and entertainment giant they are today? In large part to their marketing strategy.

Now, I’m not saying many companies, if any, will ever reach the level of Disney.

But if you?tell stories, leave a lasting impression, sell an idea, and create a community? Any business can take Disney’s blueprint and make it their own.

Disney built their company on genius marketing. And by implementing their marketing strategies into your business, you’ll be well on your way to creating a bit of “Disney Magic” of your own.

Want to learn how to tell better stories so you can use them to make more money? Sign up for my newsletter below to get insight on writing, marketing, business, and storytelling:?https://www.subscribepage.com/betterstories

This is great stuff, Connor! Awesome work!


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