4 Laws Of Creating A Good Habit

4 Laws Of Creating A Good Habit

Have you been struggling to develop habits you want? No matter how simple an action might seem such as getting up early, exercising, eating timely, drinking water and so on; developing it into a habit can be a daunting task.?

Habits help build character and more so in the case of entrepreneurs who are not only building their own character but also their company’s. All successful entrepreneurs have a set of habits that help them achieve more than any other person.?

In the previous article we understood the importance of building a good habit and what helps us to sustain it as explained by James Clear in his book Atomic Habits. In this article, let us take a deep dive into these 4 laws and understand how they can be used to build a good habit. For explaining these, I would take ‘exercising’ and being fit as a reference habit.?

Making it Obvious- “The Cue”

Identify a habit you want to inculcate and try to bring more focus to it in your daily lives.

For example, to develop a habit of exercising/workout, you could take the following actions:

  • If you use a schedule/planner to plan your days, then include workout time or gym time in that schedule.
  • Keep a ready-gym bag with you always so that you can directly hit the gym without having to go back home to change. Or if you have planned to go for a workout in the morning, then keep the gym bag/clothes right next to your bed. It’s the first thing when you wake up and be on the job with less resistance.
  • Take help of previously developed habits to cue the new ones. Brushing our teeth in the morning is a muscle memory for everyone, you could take that time of brushing to think about your workout routine for the day.?

Making it Attractive- “The Gravity”?

Often good habits are difficult to retain because they are boring or too dull. This could be the reason that our brain tries to avoid and ignore such habits. In order to train your brain otherwise, make the task more interesting and attractive.?

If you want to develop a habit of physical exercise or a workout but find it boring,?

  • You can mix it up with something different for each day of the week - apart from gym, you can include, Zumba, Dance classes, playing Badminton or Squash, Pilates, Mixed Martial Arts, Karate etc.
  • You could join a group or have a partner sign up with you for exercises
  • You could buy some new active-wear or perhaps a new set of sports shoes for the workout to make you look forward to using them. After all, who does not like to adorn new things.?

Making it Easy- “Response”

It is easy for our brain to convince us to leave or avoid tasks that seem difficult. But if you make the task simple or easy, it can help remove the friction between you and your habit. This way you can achieve more, with less effort.?

This is the stage where you actually take steps for developing habits.

For example, having a mini-gym at home or joining a gym in the close vicinity of home or office, can make it easier for you to turn up every day. All you have to do is keep your gym bag ready, quickly change and get going even if you are running late. It leaves room for minimum possible excuses.?

Make it Satisfying- “Rewards”?

Habits form an integral part of behavioral psychology. It is in human behavior to respond better to tasks that are rewarding. Getting rewarded for completing a task can make it more satisfying. The reward also helps cue the mind for repeating the habit.?

For example, if you successfully wake up early in the morning or follow your workout routine for straight one week, then the reward of this habit formation is good looks, fit body and a good looking social appearance.

James Clear, very rightly states, ‘what’s rewarded is repeated immediately and what’s punished is avoided immediately’. I certainly live by this thought of James.?

However, as humans there will be days when it will be unavoidable to miss or forget a certain task. The trick is to not take it as a full-stop but take it as merely a comma, a pause. All you must do is to continue doing it.?

Wondering how to break the bad ones??

These were the laws of developing a good habit. But what about bad ones? We all do have some bad habits that we definitely know about. As for breaking a bad habit, you can probably start doing the opposite of what is stated in these laws above. For example, try to take away the focus from that bad habit, make it boring or less attractive, difficult and have a penalty associated with it instead of a reward. With a little effort, you can get rid of them.?

It is quite evident by now, that creating a good habit and breaking a bad one is in our own hands. All we need is a strong will and perseverance - to build the habits we have been wanting, to create a life we aspire to live.


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