The 4 kinds of abundance
Understanding the Four kinds of abundance will help you tell the truth. You’ll realize that your only loss is never living your best and most honest life. If you died and came to find out this was true, you’d wish you’d done things differently - so this is your get out of jail free card:
1. Resource Abundance
There is currently enough on the planet for every human to live an absolutely comfortable life. It is only politics, economics and capitalism that make it otherwise.
For example, despite the UN’s reports on global food shortage, there is enough food wastage in America for everyone in Africa to get a full meal everyday.
That’s because fast food chains throw out extra prepared meals rather than give it to the poor. Farm producers are forced to dispose of produce that may be perfectly healthy but “doesn’t look attractive for the shelf”. And American consumers are throwing away half of the groceries they buy each week.
Moreover, there is enough energy coming from the sun to power the whole planet, it is only that politics prioritises fossil fuels.
And there are enough raw materials to build everyone a house, whether from wood or stone or otherwise.
So truly there is enough for all. It is only that capitalism makes it challenging for everyone to get everything they need, at a basic level, at the same time. But that doesn’t mean you can’t actively engage in capitalism to make things work for you.
2. Opportunity Abundance?
There are unlimited ideas for things to build and markets to create.
While AI will take up the majority of basic jobs, there will be more space and need for people to create opportunities for the 8 billion people on our planet struggling with mental health, physiological health and spiritual crisis.
These are new epidemics that have never been dealt with in previous generations. But they are also trillion dollar industries that are yet to be capitalized on.
It is true that AI can do a lot. But the purpose of the species is to connect. So where we want to connect with each other, we will still do so.
It feels good to meditate with an app, but it also feels good to go to an in person meditation retreat.
It feels good to express your emotions in an AI driven journal, it also feels good to have another human look you in the eye and say I see you and I understand you.
The purpose of AI is to take care of the basic laborious tasks on this earth so we can have more time to connect with each other. And where we want to connect with each other we will not be interested in tech.
3. Financial Abundance?
There is endless cash in the world. America prints it everyday.
There are also resources always coming out of the ground which drives new creation of cash in the economy.
Then the rich people who make this money, turn this money into more assets or trust funds.
And after people turn money into assets and funds, that money moves back into the flow for others to do the same.
So in short, everyone can get rich.
Those who are willing to create solutions to problems or ideas for aspirations can participate in this abundance.
But if you can’t see yourself as entirely entrepreneurial then just find those that are and become their partners. Your returns won’t be too far off from theirs.
Just search for VCs, startups and accelerators and you’ll find that there are millions more jobs available than the number of people who have the skills to fill those jobs.
It might take you a year or two to acquire new skills. But for the relative returns, that is nothing.
4. Social Abundance?
When you wake up everyday and rely on the same family, friends and employers for the greater part of your current life then you might start to believe that they are the only people you can count on.
That’s the funny thing, everyone thinks they are the center of the universe. But if that is true, then there must be many universes.
Because the truth is there are millions of markets, industries, communities and networks - which may all be inherently connected but are psychologically isolated.
That means the people in those micro networks think they are the only people that exist in those networks.
And so there are millions of micro networks of people doing business, practicing spirituality, hanging out socially and dating romantically that it’s almost impossible to be completely written off from everyone.
So even if you lose all your friends, get a bad rep in your industry, or become the joke of your local dating scene - chances are, your next group of friends, colleagues or romantic partners are just around the corner.
Think about the guy from Fyre Fest, you know his story but don’t remember his name, he is back in business.
Or the Tinder Swindler, you know him from Netflix but probably wouldn’t even recognize him on a date.
Or that Crying Ceo from Linkedin. His post went viral for the most embarrassing reasons, but so did so many others. No one remembers him.
People are so self absorbed, that they really do not have the time to remember you and your embarrassments. Nobody remembers, no one cares, you’re not that important.
If they can move on, so can you.
Express yourself and live your life.?
Reflections this week:
Customer Success Manager @ Adobe | Analytics and Experimentation | Canadian Work Permit Approved |
1 年Is it authenticity, then, what we‘re truly looking for? :)