4 Keys to Achievement

4 Keys to Achievement

The following 4 Keys to Achievement are used to make an individual who seeks to achieve something, sit back and really think about what is required for them to start and finish a goal without falling off track. Many people set out to achieve a goal but skip important steps, creating a vicious cycle of never really finishing important tasks which potentially lead to the end goal. Usually, people have a great idea, get excited and then try to sprint to the destination without any intelligent thought, plan or preparation. They allow the excitement to take over and fly up in the clouds without considering a balance to also stay grounded, which is needed for good decision making and the clarity for long term thinking.

Below is a brief description of the 4 Keys and can also be used as topics for discussion within groups or teams, as there can be many layers depending on how you interpret each one, and how they apply to your situation. I have included an example after each one based around my experience as a personal trainer.

  1. The first key to achievement is Patience, and is most definitely the hardest out of the four. This is about learning to attain mental and emotional calmness, stillness and clarity. To be conscious, aware and in the present. Thoughts and feelings must be at peace and free from allowing the emotions of stress and fear cloud your way. Having belief in yourself and your goal, and not succumbing to any outside forms of negative action, views or judgement. E.g. From the early years of getting used to 6am starts and 12+hr days, comparing career choices and worrying about the quantity of income, to someone asking me what I do for a living, and after telling them I'm a PT they replied with "When are you going to get a real job". Believing in myself and my career choice, and having the patience that as long as I keep at it, I will achieve great things, help many people and have a good income, this first Key was vital for me to be able to continue and last as long as I have. The term "Delayed Gratification" comes to mind as it has now been 12+ years and counting.
  2. The second key to achievement is Stability. This is about attaining a good balanced structure. To set down the foundation and roots to a plan. Creating the machine that will be used to move and exercise your ability and allow your skills to grow.  E.g. In this case, I'll relate it to being consistently active for as long I can remember. Training martial arts since I was 7 years old, lifting weights since I became a PT, and running in events over the years, all has given me a well balanced and strong physical and mental structure. Also being educated about the importance of sleeping patterns and nutrition has given me the ability to increase my skills in different disciplines. This second Key has enabled me to "Walk the Talk".
  3. The third key to achievement is Accuracy. This is about seeking the most direct path to hit your target. Teaching yourself to have the narrow vision and focus of a race horse wearing blinkers. You can not stray because you only see the finish line and nothing else. E.g. When I first prepared for a Half Marathon, I followed a running plan of 2 short runs and 1 long run each week. I was 7 weeks out and the longest I had run non stop prior to this was 10km and I needed to get to 21km. I started with 10km in the first week as my long run, then added 2km the second week and so on. By week 6 I was at 20km non stop, and in week 7 I ran the Half Marathon. I knew I had to be consistent week in and week out. The calculations were accurate and I didn't miss a run. This third Key was so important in order for me to stay focused.
  4. The final key to achievement is Ruthlessness. This is the execution, the commitment. To give 100% with no way out, no plan b, no choice. This is where the thought becomes reality. This is the time to be completely selfish and take full responsibility to get what you came for. You must own this moment because you deserve it. E.g. After 10+ years as a PT, it was time for me to have my own establishment, and Imperial was born. When it happened, my patient mind was clear as I had the experience, my stable plan crossed all the T's and dotted all the I's, my accurate path was laid and I could see the destination, all that was left was to take the plunge with no hesitation. In the first year, Imperial grew every month and survived, now in its second year, the nature of Imperial has been perfectly adaptable during the COVID-19 Pandemic, with its safe, low risk and isolated environment. Even though it's not over, I've got a good feeling everything will work out. After all, it has to because I strategically have no Plan B. This fourth Key is the difference between those who achieve and those who don't. You make things happen, because you have no choice.


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