4 Key Behaviors To Understand During Economic Highs And Lows

4 Key Behaviors To Understand During Economic Highs And Lows

Understanding whether you are an Extrovert, Introvert, Ambivert or Omnivert will help you to get through Behavioral and Economic Highs And Lows.

Behavioral research goes back to 400 B.C. where Empodocles stated that behaviors have four elements or roots; Fire, Air, Earth and Water.

The elements of Fire and Air are said to be Extroverted.

The elements of Earth and Water are said to be Introverted.

Gone are the days of the plain old vanilla Extroverted or Introverted behavioral styles.

My 1990’s behavioral analysis training suggested that Extroverts represented 46% of the population and Introverts represented 54% of the population.?

Ambiverts and Omniverts were not even mentioned.

Ambiverts and Omniverts are a combination of the Extroverted and Introverted behavioral styles.

In a?Wall Street Journal?interview, psychologist Adam Grant estimated that Ambiverts make up between a half and two-thirds of the population.

My own personal experience along with doing thousands of values and behavioral assessments over the decades suggests that 2% of the population are Omniverts.

My own personal experience comes from being an Omnivert and from being married to Laura who is an Ambivert.

Ambiverts are either a combination of the elements of Air and Earth or Air and Water.

Omniverts are either a combination of the elements of Fire and Water or Fire and Earth.

Both Ambiverts and Omniverts are considered to be on the Introverted side.?

However, there are some critical differences between the two. An Omnivert is Introverted but can also act Extroverted when necessary, whereas an Ambivert is Introverted but can also work Extroverted naturally.

So which one are you? An Omnivert or an Ambivert? Let's look at the fundamental differences between the two types to help you better evaluate your behavioral style.

Who Is an Omnivert?

Omni- (/???mni-/) literally means all or of all things. So an Omnivert is someone who can see both or all sides of every issue. They're the perfect mediators because they understand multiple points of view.?

An Omnivert is also great at making friends because they can easily relate to people from all walks of life. They're also great at reading people and can quickly figure out what makes a person tick and how to get them on board with their goals.?

Omniverts are great at socializing but can also be comfortable working alone. They're great at multitasking and shifting gears quickly. They're always ready to embrace new things and learn more about the world around them.

Who Is an Ambivert?

An Ambivert is someone who's in the mid of the extrovert-introvert spectrum. The word ambi- means to be on both sides.?

Ambiverts are not as outgoing as extroverts but not as Introverted as introverts. They tend to be good at listening and talking and are usually comfortable in social and non-social situations.

Some people mistakenly think that all Ambiverts are shy, but this is only sometimes the case. Ambiverts can be shy in some situations and outgoing in others. It all depends on the individual Ambivert and the situation they are in.

So while Ambiverts have some qualities of both Extroverts and Introverts, they are unique.

7 Differences Between Omnivert and Ambivert

There are a few critical differences between Omniverts and Ambiverts. An Omnivert is equally comfortable in both Introverted and Extroverted situations, while an Ambivert leans more toward one side or the other.

?Let's look at some of the prominent differences between them:

1. Behavioral Style?

Ambiverts are those who are equally comfortable in all social situations. They're the life of the party, but they're also happy being alone.?

On the other hand, Omniverts tend to be more Introverted or Extroverted, depending on the situation.

Ambiverts are naturally gifted when it comes to socializing. They're always able to make conversation and put people at ease. Conversely, Omniverts may have to work a little harder to find common ground with others.

Omniverts are perfectly comfortable being by themselves. They don't feel like they need to be around other people at all times to feel and are prone to overthinking.?

Most Omniverts are also very analytical and reflective. They can spend lots of time in their heads thinking about the past or worrying about the future.

2. Creativity

Omniverts are said to be more creative than Ambiverts. This is because they are able to see the world from multiple perspectives and are not limited by their point of view. In contrast, Ambiverts tend to have more linear thinking patterns and are less flexible regarding new ideas.

While no scientific evidence supports this claim, many people who identify as Omniverts say they feel more creative than those who identify as Ambiverts. This could be because they are not afraid to think outside the box or explore new concepts.?

Plus, Omniverts may be more open-minded than Ambiverts, which could lead to them being more receptive to new ideas.

3. Adaptability

Ambiverts are certainly adaptable. They possess qualities of both Introverts and Extroverts, allowing them to be successful in various situations.?

Here's how Ambiverts differ from their more Introverted and Extroverted cousins: they're good at reading people and can adjust their behavior accordingly. This makes them excellent salespeople, for example.

While an introvert might do well in a job that requires lots of alone time, such as writing or programming, an Ambivert would be better suited for a job that involves frequent interaction with others, like customer service.?

So if you're looking for a versatile employee who can thrive in different environments, an Ambivert is your best bet.

An Omnivert doesn't necessarily lean one way or the other when it comes to socializing. They're comfortable in small and large groups and have no problem striking up conversations with strangers.?

In other words, they're the perfect mix of Introverts and Extroverts. What does this mean for their ability to adapt? Well, Omniverts are pretty darn adaptable. They might be the most adaptable people on the planet.

4. Perfectionism

People who identify as Omniverts may tend to be perfectionists. This is because they constantly seek new knowledge and skills and want to do everything well. They may have high standards for themselves and others and become frustrated when things are not done perfectly.?

However, their tendency to be perfectionists can also be a strength, as it can motivate them to continue learning and growing. Being perfectionists, they are hard to please.

Ambiverts are not perfectionists. Instead, they try to find a balance between everything. This is because they know how to get the most out of both worlds. They're not afraid to be alone but also know how to enjoy being around others.?

They know when to speak up and when to listen, and they always seem to find the perfect balance.

5. Balance

How do Ambiverts and Omniverts balance between Extroverted or Introverted behavioral styles? ?

The answer to this question is that Ambiverts will not get stuck between two behavioral styles. Instead, they will find a way to balance both sides of their behavioral styles. They will be able to listen and speak and be alone or around others. Usually, they can be Extroverts according to the situation and can also be reserved and quiet.?

It is harder for Omniverts to maintain a balance in all situations; they can be entirely Extroverted, or they could be highly Introverted. The only time they have a chance to get a balance is when they are alone or in the company of other Introverts, and even then, it's not guaranteed.

6. Communication Style

Both behavioral styles have different communication styles. Generally, Omniverts are more open while communicating, while Ambiverts tend to be less expressive when expressing their thoughts.

Omniverts tend to be very open and expressive communicators. They rarely hold back and will express everything that comes to their mind.?

Ambiverts, on the other hand, maybe more reserved when it comes to sharing their feelings and thoughts. And even if they do, they will communicate in a highly reserved manner.

7. Emotional Stability?

Generally, Ambiverts are more emotionally stable than Omniverts. They speak their mind, but they're not easily offended. They can handle both emotional and logical conversations, so they are not as prone to conflict as an introvert or extrovert might be.?

Ambiverts have a preference for being alone or with people.

On the other hand, Omniverts are less emotionally stable than Ambiverts. Their level of emotional stability depends on their maturity, the situation and how it affects them.?

For example, an Omnivert becomes very happy if he has a great time with his friends. However, he will feel sad if he fails an exam at school. Their mood swings make Omnivert people prone to conflict.

The Bottom Line

When it comes to behavioral styles, there are a few critical differences between Omniverts and Ambiverts. Ambiverts tend to be more outgoing and friendly than Omniverts. They also tend to be more decisive and better able to handle stress.?

However, both behavioral styles are equally likely to enjoy spending time alone and engaging in deep thought.

So, which behavioral style type is better? Ultimately, it depends on the situation. If you need someone who can take charge and handle a lot of stress, an Ambivert may be a better choice. However, if you need someone who can think deeply and creatively, an Omnivert may get your vibe.

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