4 Innovative Ideas for Improving Office Acoustics
Comet Architects + Interior
Transforming Spaces, Comet - Specializing in Innovative Workplace and Retail Interior Design Enhanced by Technology.
Although workplace sounds like clicking keyboards, humming machinery, incessant talk, and mobile phone pings are common, they may be a major source?of confusion?and distraction for workers. According to a recent Harvard Business Review survey, more than a third of the employees say?that noise disruptions made it difficult for them to focus. Workers may experience annoyance, anxiety, and privacy invasion due to noise, which also interferes with their productivity. Another study?by the University of Sydney discovered that 60% of employees working in cubicles and 50% of those in open offices were unhappy with their lack of privacy. And according to a study, even the slightest?interruptions can distract employees and make them?lose attention for up to 20 minutes.
if your office has an open layout (as most are), noise is unavoidable. Although open offices are intended to promote collaboration and conversation, many of them have highly reflective and reverberate surfaces, such as hard floors, ceilings, and desks, which amplify sound. Additionally, the absence of walls and barriers in these spaces only makes the noise even worse. Although it's sometimes disregarded, acoustics in workplace design is just as crucial as aesthetics. Here are a some key components to have for better workplace acoustics:
Acoustic panel
Echoes are avoided and sound waves are muted by these foam cushions, which also absorb sound. They can be seated on ceiling boards?or drywall. These panels can be used to adjust or enhance?the visual appeal of a place as well as improve its acoustics. A variety of patterns, prints, and colors. 100% PET felt, which is recyclable.
Soft furnishing
Your workspace design should include upholstered chairs, benches, cushions, rugs, and sofas. Soft padded materials, particularly those made of a combination of wood and fabric, naturally absorb sound. Curtains, fabric pinboards, and canvas prints can all be useful. To create a sense of privacy, look for furniture with shield-back or high-back couches and chairs.
Acoustic divider
Dividers are a simple?and affordable solution for dividing work teams or creating semi-private offices. They can block and muffle?sound in large open spaces. Maintain confidentiality in?communications and do not force?employees to yell to be heard or talk to each other. Use acoustic partitions or freestanding pods to reduce noise and distractions for a more open atmosphere.
Biophilic Option
Plants?are?not?only?soothing?but?also?naturally?absorb?sounds. For better acoustics, integrate a water features?and plants into your workplace.??The moss is easy to place on the wall, is soft to the touch and manages its own humidity year-round without the need for watering, pruning, or sunshine.?The moss walls are constructed with a sound-absorbing?backing?made?from polyester and recycled PET fiber?protected with natural oils and pigment.
In conclusion, it is clear that there are many innovative ideas for improving office acoustics. By using acoustic panels, sound-absorbing fabrics, and other soundproofing materials you can create a pleasant atmosphere in your office space. Additionally, investing in furniture with raised surfaces and installing decorative elements can help to improve the overall aesthetic of the office while also helping to reduce unwanted noise levels. With these 4 tips on improving workplace acoustics, you now have all that you need to begin creating an environment conducive to productivity and comfort!