The 4 Happiness chemicals and how to tap into them
Our bodies produce four neurochemicals that are responsible for making us feel happy. Dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin and endorphins get released into our bodies due to a number of triggers that make us happy. There are ways you can intentionally cause the release of these happy chemicals and here is how:
When Dopamine levels are low, feelings of self-doubt, lack of enthusiasm or procrastination start to materialise. Dopamine is the reward chemical and it is triggered when:
- You complete a task
- Doing self-care activities
- Eating food
- Celebrate small wins or small steps towards a larger goal
In the absence of Serotonin, feelings of loneliness or depression emerge. Serotonin is a mood stabiliser and flows when you feel appreciated or important. It can also be triggered through:
- Meditating
- Going for a run
- Get some sun exposure (but remember to apply sun protection)
- Taking a nature walk such as a park or bushwalk
- Swimming
- Going for a bike ride (cycling)
Often known as the ‘cuddle hormone’ Oxytocin can begin to flow by giving someone a simple hug, Oxytocin is the love hormone and is triggered when:
- You play with a pet such as a dog
- You play with a baby
- You hold hands with a loved one
- You hug a member of your family
- You give a compliment to someone
Endorphin is the pain killer and when released help deal with anxiety or depression often caused by pain or stress. You can release your own Endorphins through:
- Laughter exercise
- Use of essential oils (particularly Vanilla or Lavender)
- Watching a comedy show
- Eating some dark chocolate
- Exercise
Whilst many external factors in our lives impact our happiness, these tips are proof that we can also tap into our own happiness chemicals ourselves. I would love to hear from anyone who found these tips helpful and brought some happiness to their day.