4 Hacks To Host Thanksgiving Dinner With Ease
Hosting Thanksgiving dinner, is usually the warm-up to the big event – Christmas dinner.
But it seems to me that the whole point of having the entire family over for a big event, is to be able to enjoy it with them. It’s not fun hosting a big family dinner only to be totally run off your feet trying to address the whims of every guest.
Having hosted many of these types of occasions, I learned in short order to make sure the host plays too. And that means: Simplifying and Setting Limits. Just because someone got the great idea to start a marathon family Monopoly game 5-minutes before dinner, doesn’t mean it should happen.
Whether I am hosting or not, I love pouring over cooking magazines, when I’m not checking out real estate magazines.
And this month of course, most Canadian magazines are sharing their ideas for prepping for the BIG Thanksgiving dinner. Some ideas were pretty interesting and maybe not so new, others were just plain smart and those are the ones that I’ve listed here. I hope you find them useful.
FOUR hacks or tips for hosting a this years’s Thanksgiving Family extravaganza with ease and grace - originally posted in our Blog.
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Thanks to LatinTimes for the great photo.