4 Habits of The World’s Richest People

4 Habits of The World’s Richest People

Ever wonder how Elon Musk or Warren Buffett got to where they are today? It’s not just thanks to hard work and determination. If you analyze the root cause and dig a little deeper, you will find a key pattern that many don’t notice. There are specific habits that almost every one of the world’s richest people have in common. We compiled the top four habits that these captains of industry put into practice every day. We’re not saying that mimicking these habits will turn you into the next Donald Trump overnight, but it’s a great place to start.

1. Set a Primary Goal and Stick to it 

It’s easy to pick multiple goals to chase after. There are probably a lot of things that you would like to accomplish in your career. However, there should be one primary goal that you set above all others. This will keep you continuously focused and prevent “goal jumping”. Goal jumping occurs when you work towards one goal for a short period of time and then switch to another. This is a bad habit to develop because it extends the time it takes you to accomplish any goal because you try to focus on too much at once.

Instead, set your eyes on the prize and once your primary goal is achieved you can focus on the others. In a study done by the Dominican University in California you are 42% more likely to achieve a goal just by writing it down, so make a list! Take your top five goals and write them down with an emphasis on number one. Then take that list and place it somewhere it can’t be avoided. For example, hang it on your fridge or above your desk at work. 

2. Accept that their will be Rainy Days

A study conducted by Brad Klontz, a clinical phycologist at Kansas State University, found that the majority of world’s wealthiest people have a strong belief that their life’s outcomes, such as succeeding or failing in their career, are determined by their own actions. This means that when bad things happen in their lives they accept them and learn from them.  They don’t allow a bad day or set back to shake their focus and deter them from their goals.

Many entrepreneurs have stated that getting fired from a job was the launching point that they needed tostart a business. Learn from your bad experiences instead of blaming it on chance or other people. Ask yourself what you could have done to change the situation and how you are going to move forward.

3. Find Someone Who Inspires You 

According to a recent INC Magazine Article, 93 percent of the currently wealthy had a mentor at some point who guided them on their path. Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group, places an emphasis on the importance of mentorship. He credits his mentor, Sir Freddie Laker, founder of Laker Airways, for helping him break into the airline industry.

Finding a mentor can help you to overcome challenges when taking the first steps toward your goal. It is always nice to have a helping hand in the beginning and having the right mentor can motivate you. Your mentor’s experience can also help you avoid any mistakes you may be close to making. 

4. Staying Positive is Crucial 

This would seem like a no-brainer but many people can lose sight of their goals by continuing to have a negative outlook. Don’t fall into this trap! Do you think that Elon Musk would be able to invent the technology he has without believing that there are limitless possibilities? It’s time to start seeing the world as a glass half full. Besides helping you reach your goals, keeping a positive attitude can also extend your life. According to the Mayo Clinic there are many ways positive thinking can affect your health. This includes:

-          Extending your lifespan.

-          Increasing resistance to the common cold.

-          And helping your overall physiological wellness.

Now it’s Your Turn

What habits have you developed over time that have helped you to achieve success? Do you utilize any of the habits we listed? Let us know in the comment section below. 

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