4+ "Functions" in 1 Housing?
Burrell Edward Clawson
Plastic Snap Joint Housing Designs for Low Pressure Disposables + proof of concept filters. Pain free nose clip for pulmonary testing.
An adult patient manifold + heat/moisture exchanger + filter + liquid baffle/trap with a no drip drain port for respiratory circuits in a PSJ housing is possible with less weight than the existing typical 2 patient manifold + Filter/HME.
PSJ molding and assembly offers an advanced arena of product design options for manufacturing with multiple low cost features with lighter, tougher, faster molding, with lower cost assemblies requiring minimal QC/QA/automation!
PSJ: Polymer Snap Joint closures for low pressure respiratory type products:
1.–Lowest cost, in mat’l, molding, assembly & QA/QC time
2. Lowest capital equipment with minimal validation
3. Lightest, toughest, shock proof housings in Polypropylene
4. Lowest 1 second closure with internal/moving parts in place
5. Fastest assembly line closure, seconds after ejection
6. 100% zero leak @ respiratory pressures + high toughness.
7. >20/1 Internal pressure safety factor for the adult filter
8. Ability for PP to mold lip seals to handle moving/rotating parts
I’m seeking offers to buy my PSJ mold, inserts, SolidWorks files & trade secrets gained from my decades of engineering work as I'm not going to start another company.
The 4 insert EDRO SS base has part sizes to near 4” OD for both round & oval housings. -- Current inserts mold an adult respiratory breathing filter & an HME/Filter housing. — A mold sample run = 2 weeks.
I’m available anytime to answer calls on the subject of PSJ designs.
[email protected] — 949-209-7627 — Newport Beach, CA