4 Fascinating Facts about Artificial Intelligence
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Artificial intelligence has massively changed how we live and work. We think we have come far in our A.I. journey, but it has only given us a small taste of what's to come. A.I. is already helping large corporations maximize profit and minimize costs. But the future of small business operations is yet to be altered by A.I. and on an even grander scale. Artificial intelligence is not just a technology but a mindset. It is the idea of seeing a problem and turning it into a program. Below We have a few facts that make A.I. more fascinating.
Some interesting facts about AI.
Let's dive deep into these facts.
AI is like a good citizen.
Sophia, a humanoid A.I. created by Dr. David Hanson, founder and CEO of Hanson Robotics is a popular figure in artificial intelligence. Sophia has obtained guaranteed citizenship in Saudi Arabia. This is the first time a fully AI-powered robot has been granted citizenship.
AI can be an artist
Artificial intelligence can create works of art no more minor and unique than those of famous painters, playwrights, and composers. A.I. programs have been able to write screenplays recently, while some have even composed music. Both of these achievements are quite remarkable. For example, check out 'Edmond de Belamy,' the painting made by an algorithm. Additionally, 'Google Deep Dream' and 'The Next Rembrandt' are two examples of human-level images made by A.I.
AI assistant has a female voice.
Did you know why all virtual assistants have such pleasant voices? This is because all of them are female. It is commonly accepted that female voices are easier to hear and understand than males. It has been proposed that people prefer female voices because they are clearer, have a higher pitch, and are associated with friendliness. For instance, Cortana is a Windows phone virtual assistant. By default, Cortana has female voice developers Cortana made it available to users in most countries.
AI can read your mind.
Scientists have developed algorithms that can decode the human brain. These algorithms were inspired by the workings of the human mind. Researchers have developed deep learning algorithms to decipher the complexities of the human brain. First, they created a model of the way the brain processes information. Next, researchers measured neurological activity in three women as they watched hundreds of short video clips. A popular artificial neural network has been shown to associate images with corresponding brain activity. The women's brain activity and responses matched the algorithm's predictions in 12 different regions. This new technique also lets scientists see which brain parts process certain types of information.
AI is one of the most used technologies in the world today. This technology has existed for the past few years and continues to grow exponentially. The reason behind the growth of this technology is simply this technology's ability to learn and adapt to different situations without any human intervention. This learning capability of this technology makes it unique.