4 Easy Ways to Build Trust

4 Easy Ways to Build Trust

We recently?took a poll?about what leaders thing the most important quality they need to build a high-performing team.?


The answer?




No one wants to follow a leader who they don't trust. Employees want to feel like their leader does the right thing, has their interests in mind, and keeps the business running so they have a job to report to every day.


But trust is not easily won––it takes time and intentionality. Here are a few ways you can start:

  1. Lead by Example: If you want your team to trust you, you need to trust THEM. Demonstrate trustworthiness, integrity, and transparency in your actions and communications.?
  2. Build Personal Connections: Make an effort to get to know your people. Encourage team-building activities and initiatives that foster personal connections and trust. This could include team lunches, social outings, or virtual team-building exercises. When?you develop personal rapport and connections,?your team is more likely to trust and support each other.
  3. Address Conflicts Promptly: Conflicts are inevitable in any team, but addressing them promptly is crucial to maintaining trust and collaboration. Encourage open dialogue and provide a safe space for team members to voice their concerns. Then, deal with the issue. Don't let negative attitudes poison your team by continuing to let them permeate your office. This may include letting go of team member who just are not a good fit, and that's ok!
  4. Celebrate Successes: Everyone loves to be recognized! Acknowledge and celebrate individual and team achievements in public, over your office messaging system or in a note. Trust can be easily built when an employee knows their leader takes not of their accomplishments.??

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As a leader, you likely have some amazing team members. But are you using them to their fullest potential?


Our guide,?10 Questions To Ensure You’re Maximizing Your Talent?will help you get the most out of your employees.?


These simple questions will get you thinking and making a plan to maximize and retain your talent!?


Just?click here?to download.

If you'd like?help creating a high-performing?team,?head to our?article,?Techniques for Building & Leading Effective Teams.

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Looking?for more support on topics like this? We believe leaders are agents of positive change and want to?come alongside you. Check out our?membership?which provides you next-level resources and tools every month!


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