4 Easy Steps That Help You Move On and Feel less Pain

4 Easy Steps That Help You Move On and Feel less Pain

Many people believe that holding onto something makes you stronger. In reality, it is not. And, sometimes it is wise to let go.

Letting go of something in your past, or a relationship relieves you from the distraction that you have been facing. Besides, it helps you free huge amounts of time and energy that you have wasted for so long. As a result, you can use the energy to do something that fulfills your desire.


Leaving things behind is not so easy. But it can change your life.


In this post, you can learn four easy steps that will make it easier for you to leave things behind and move forward. I hope these tips help you.


Are there advantages to not letting go of things?


To be honest, there are some advantages to not letting go of things.


It gives you instant gratification. But it is good for the short term. You are energized by the thought that you are right and the other person is wrong. It is a pleasant feeling that you get in the present situation.


As a result, you get attention and support from other people around you. Most people do not let go of things easily. But in the end, these things are not worth it. This is because there is no long-term benefit if you do not let go of things.


Easy steps to help you move on without feeling much pain:


Follow these steps and you can get rid of the pain and suffering in your life.

1.????? Accept the way it is and let go

When you are well aware of the situation and accept what happened, it becomes easy to let go. How?

When you are struggling with your mind trying to analyse what had happened, you tend to feed the situation or memory with more energy. That way, the situation or memory gets bigger and grows more powerful compared to what happened in reality.

So, when you accept that something just happened and you have no control over the situation, things get easy. For example, if you are rejected after a date, the best thing you can do is forget about what happened.

As such, your brain will not process the memory as something valuable in your life. So, you will not feel sad or upset about the situation like you did before. You are no longer attached to the situation emotionally. It becomes easier for you to let go and move forward with your life.

2.????? Forgiveness has its reward

Whenever someone makes fun of you or makes you feel low, it will cause pain for some time. However, after that, you have two options to choose from.


You don’t want to let go of what happened. And, you allow it to interfere with your relationship. Moreover, you go on and on thinking about what has happened.


Or, you can forget about the situation and forgive.

When you accept things as how they are, you can forgive them as well. Sometimes, motivation can help you forgive for your good. So, do it for your happiness and well-being.

Keep in mind that when you hold resentment toward another person, you are attached to that person. And, an emotional link builds up that is quite stronger compared to steel. Hence, forgiveness is the only way to break the link. Also, it gives you freedom.

Besides, forgiveness does not mean that you have to remain passive in your life. You can spend less time or no time with the person who has hurt you.

Forgiveness is an art that will make your life happy and easy. Besides, it will help develop positivity in you. When you forgive others, you feel that some kind of burden has been relieved from your shoulder.

3.????? Focus on what you can do to influence your life

When you ponder over things from the past in your mind, you are not changing anything. Remember that you do not have control over the past. When you are worried or distracted by things beyond your control, things do not help.

Ask yourself –

·???????? Where can I focus my time and energy to make positive changes in my life?

·???????? And, what is the one step that I can take today to start my journey?


So, you should focus on what you can do. And, not on what you cannot do. If you find it difficult, you can ask questions yourself like the ones I have mentioned above. As a result, it will get easy to stop worrying about things beyond your control and let go.


4.????? Again, let go, if necessary

When you let go of something in your life, it does not mean that it was the last one and you will never face a similar situation in your life.

Always remember that life is not neat. And, the issue might pop up again shortly. So, if that happens, let go of it once more.

Keep in mind that whenever you let go, it will come back again. But the situation cannot control you now.


The practice makes it easier for you to let go in the future. When you let go, again and again, you will get a better grip on the situation. And, you will become stronger in your approach.


The best part is that you will always stay optimistic whenever you are experiencing tough times. In short, you will develop an optimistic mindset. Also, you can handle all kinds of odds that life will throw at you.


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