4 Dos And Don’ts For Having Political Discussions At Work

4 Dos And Don’ts For Having Political Discussions At Work

In the midst of rising social tension, a highly politicized pandemic, and a recent U.S. presidential election, having calm, respectful discussions about politics may seem more difficult than ever. Political discussions can, unfortunately, create rifts between family members, friends, business partners, and coworkers. Loved ones are often attempting to discover one another’s personal motives and values, and they believe gauging political positions is important for this reason. But are such topics important or even appropriate to discuss among coworkers? 

According to a 2020 survey of 1000 U.S. workers by Zety, 83 percent of respondents indicated they’ve had political discussions at work, with most citing the current president as the largest topic of debate. Since political ideology and debate can lead to workplace conflicts and other undesirable outcomes, understanding if and how to have respectful conversations around politics at work is more important than ever. With that in mind, here are 3 Dos and 1 Don’t that may be helpful.

1) Do Decide If The Discussion Is Worth Having In The First Place

First off, you might consider establishing a policy for yourself. If you do not want to talk politics at work, then make a rule and hold it strictly: “I don’t discuss politics at work.” If, on the other hand, you are open to political discussions, then decide the parameters within which you’re permitted to engage. For example, “I discuss politics at work only when...” If you adopt this policy, it’s a good idea to insist that conversations remain calm and respectful. If at any point before or during a political discussion you feel things are becoming heated, consider opting out, as there is unlikely to be a positive outcome of continuing the dialogue.

Before deciding whether to engage in political discussions at work, whether in the moment or as a general rule, weigh the pros and cons. What are the potential upsides to having this type of conversation? What are the potential drawbacks? Do the pros outweigh the cons? 

Additionally, individuals should take time to evaluate their intentions and goals. Too often, people find themselves led down the rabbit hole of highly emotional topics, only to realize they don’t want to be there in the first place. They might ask, “How did I get here?” or “Why am I having this conversation?” They realize it’s not worth it and wonder why they engaged in the debate in the first place. So, be deliberate and intentional in your conversations. Decide whether this is a topic worth discussing at work, and what your intended goal is for the conversation.

2) Do Decide To Learn And Not To Convince 

If you do decide to engage in a political conversation at work, it’s best to enter into the discussion with a goal of learning. Ask questions. Remain curious. Discover how they came to their position and why it’s important to them. See if you can find common underlying values or goals.

If, on the other hand, you are looking to convince someone of a particular position or truth, especially if it means they are wrong in some way, you will likely only spark defensiveness and frustration from both parties. People often struggle to admit their deeply held beliefs are wrong, especially if doing so would shake their view of themselves or reality. Wouldn't you have trouble accepting a new fact if it meant reexamining something personal or important in your life? Others feel the same way.

Now, you cannot expect others to enter political dialogues with the same motive — to learn rather than convince — so, they will likely be trying to convince you that they are right. Again, if you’re not willing to hear their side from a place of curiosity and discovery, it’s best not to have the conversation. The likelihood of it spiraling into conflict or going nowhere is high; the likelihood of you convincing anyone of your beliefs is extremely low. 

3) Do Know When To Pause

If at any point during the discussion you sense things going awry with your coworker, ask to take a pause. This tactic is useful in any difficult conversation, but it’s especially crucial for conversations involving politics. Any time you or a coworker becomes visibly frustrated during an exchange, it’s best to pause the current momentum and decide how to de-escalate the situation. This may mean simply talking about what each of you is feeling or experiencing in that moment, or sharing why the topic is personal to you. Or it may mean stopping the dialogue entirely and deciding to reconvene the next day, when you’ve both had time to cool down. Pausing could also mean deciding not to continue discussing this topic at all. Since politics are not typically related to your workplace (assuming you don’t actually work in the political arena), agreeing not to continue the conversation may be the best course of action. 

4) Don’t Equate Positions With Values

Just because someone holds a particular political position or believes a certain narrative, don’t automatically assume this indicates something sinister about their deeply held beliefs or values. Individuals on both sides of the political spectrum are guilty of asking, “How could a decent person actually believe that?” In this way, people attribute evil, ignorance, and/or hostility to others based on their political beliefs. What they fail to realize, however, is that many people in a culture share similar values even though they just have different beliefs regarding how to satisfy or express those values. So, instead of making assumptions about someone’s core values based on what you know of their political ideology, try discovering what their values actually are.

To do this, you might start by asking questions. For instance, if you ask your co-worker why they favor loose gun regulations, they might explain that they truly believe firearms are the best way to keep their family safe and their freedoms intact. In other words, they highly value the protection of their family and their personal freedom. You may, then, relate to them on these core values. You also highly value your family’s safety and your freedom; you simply believe a different approach is the better way of achieving such goals. Though this example might seem simplistic, it’s actually a brief summary of a debate I personally witnessed between coworkers. Ultimately, they were able to have a calmer, more open-minded conversation when they both understood one another’s underlying motives for their positions.

Questions you ask during a political conversation — or any discussion, for that matter — should once again come from a place of curiosity. Ask in order to discover. Do not ask simply to challenge someone or coerce them into a conceptual corner so as to “catch them” in some perceived ignorance. By asking questions to discover someone’s underlying values, you may come to realize that, though you differ in approach, you both have similar goals and values. You may discover that your coworker is not evil or ignorant but rather that they have just learned or paid attention to different information, based on their personal history or the media they ingest, and so they have differing beliefs about how to live a safe and meaningful life.

If you can’t stop yourself from making assumptions and judgments about your coworkers, or from becoming emotionally defensive or enraged, your best bet may be to live by the old rule: don’t discuss politics at work.

My book, Conflict Resolution Playbook: Practical Communication Skills for Preventing, Managing, and Resolving Conflict, is now available on Amazon and other retailers. For more in-depth skill-building, my company offers conflict resolution training and communications skills training. I also offer Conflict Coaching directly to individuals and organizations.

This article originally appeared on Forbes.com.


Jeremy Pollack, Ph.D.的更多文章

