The 4 Dimensions of Leadership: A Roadmap to Success

The 4 Dimensions of Leadership: A Roadmap to Success

There are 4 key areas (dimensions if you like) of leadership:

  1. Leading subordinates - This is the easiest one to get your head around but arguably the most important to get right. Leadership in this context means leading those with which you hold a senior position or role, for example a Registered Nurse leading a Health Care Assistant. In settings with good morale and leadership culture this is a productive, respectful, and harmonious aspect of leadership that can yield high performance results. But when that isn't the case this dimension of leadership carries a high risk of conflict, and insubordination. Warning signs that you have drifted off track include relying on your position/status (don't do that), having an authoritarian manner in communication and delegation, and thinking that somehow you are superior to the team members you lead.
  2. Leading peers - How do we lead people who are at the same level, and that we do not manage? This one is easy once you grasp the concept. Build good relationships, be mutually-supportive and a professional ally who wants them to succeed. Here we influence to lead almost exclusively. Warning signs here include hyper-competitiveness (the enemy is outside the wire), clashes of ego (be humble), and attempts to throw colleagues 'under the bus' in order to impress your boss. No, no, no. That dog just ain't gonna hunt!?
  3. Leading your boss(es) - In order to be successful in the long term you have to learn how to lead your boss/manager. So how? Well as a starting point do all of the things in point 2. Then demonstrate your value by doing your job well and being a good employee. Next it's important to conduct yourself so that your boss does not see leading you as a chore which means avoiding conflict with others, it means having a good disciplinary and attendance record, it means earning their respect and appreciation. Once this is in place you will have earned the right to have a good deal of influence with your boss. You'll know when you have achieved this because your boss will come to you for advice on things and include you in new projects or discussions as a matter of routine. Beware here of only using this influence for the good of the wider team and organisation, and never for personal advantage. Remember also that you will lose all credibility and influence if you fail to mention it to the Emperor that they are actually naked, and not in?new?clothes!? ?
  4. Leading yourself - Be disciplined, conscientious, humble, and committed to improving every day. Put yourself in the best position that you can daily, believe in yourself and your potential to do great things.?



