4 Differences Between a Freelance Writer and a Freelance Blogger

To the naked, non-writing eye, it would appear as though a freelance writer and a freelance blogger are one and the same.They both write. They boh have a solid command of the English language.They both take words and put them into a presentable,eductional or even entertaining manuscript.

But to a writer who is trying to position themselves as a competent freelancer,knowing the difference between a freelance writer and a freelance blogger can make the difference between landing a great gig or writing for peanuts.

Just to be clear one is not always better than the other. A true professional writer knows how to either do all types of writing or can very quickly adapt to new writing project. I know very successful writers who only work as grant writers or copywriters but on the flipside,I have spoken to other doing well as full-time blog writers.

So whick kind of writer is more profitable?It is hard to tell. I know the average technical writer remote positions pays at minimum $60k a year. But I know bloggers who are internationl best sellin authors ,sitting in bed churnin the afternoon oil on their laptops earning good money.

Now, there are several things freelance writers and blog writers have in common:

  • Both can be done part time while aiming a full time income
  • Both can be done from hoe , beachhouse or starbucks
  • Both cn be done without any formal education
  • Both require a command of proper rammar,spelling and syntax

So in the spirit of helping fellow writers make money and take better jobs, lets explore the major differences between B2B freelance writers and freelance bloggers.

4 Ways to Differentiate B2B Freelance Writers and B2B Frelance Bloggers

  1. Freelance writers should be able to do it all.

A freelance writer should not only be a skilled documentation specialist but they should be willing to learn new things .A writer is skilled at conducting research and interviews for a writing project.They can write case studies,white papers and web copy.

2. Bloggers tend to be very niche in one area of expertise or several related areas. Bob Lotch, a successful blogger with a niche in christian fiance has built an impressive blogging empire fro 2007. Because of their specific expertise, bloggers can get away with being opinionated.In fact, it is what attracts reders to their blogs. This certainily should not ssume bloggers don`t know how to write anything else!Many bloggers like Lotich , have simply found ways to successfully cpitalize on blogging.

3.One of the other significant differences between a freelance blogger and a freelance writer is the money they make. A freelance writer takes an assignment, finishes it within the given deadline, and gets paid for it. On the other hand, a blogger should constantly upload content to get money since a blog needs to be updated with new content from time to time



