4 Days Left to Enter
The FIRE Book Awards competition is excited to announce a new partnership with the publisher of the resource guidebook, Book Promotion Directory: Blogs, Podcasts and Promoters.
ALL entries in the 2024 FIRE Awards Competition competition will receive a newly revised 4th Edition of the book which will be available in January 2025.
After a two year hiatus this essential resource directory for the small, indie, or self-publisher provides easily accessible contact information for bloggers, podcasters and PR/Marketing professionals. The newly expanded edition, due out January 2025, will also feature reviewers, beta readers, alpha readers as well as ARC readers in its lineup.
For those wishing to be included in the directory, more information will be forthcoming in October.
#authors #publishers #indiepublishers #smallpublishers #hybridpublishers #bookaward #self-publishers #books