4 Cool Brewery Spreadsheets for the 4th of July
Some folks celebrate the 4th with fireworks, but I like to celebrate with spreadsheets.
Below are 4 Cool Brewery Spreadsheets so that you can celebrate too...
- Sales Forecast Tool. Use this tool to quickly project sales during the month and compare to your plan.
- Convert BBL to CE Tool. This spreadsheet easily converts Brewer Barrels to Case Equivalents. Use this tool to speak the language of the beer wholesaler so that you can grow sales.
- Taproom Sales Calculator How much $ can you make selling beer through your taproom? Lots. Use this Cool Tool to do the math and add up those $$$’s!
- Brewery Production Calculator Use this tool to quickly calculate how much beer you can package from each BBL you brew. Put away the calculator and the abacus. This tool will make your production and planning meetings a whole lot easier.
Have a happy and safe 4th of July. Go ahead and celebrate with fireworks AND these cool tools for your brewery. Grab the spreadsheets here...