4 Common Barriers to Scaling Up
Jess Dahlberg
I align people to performance | Trusted Advisor | Mentor | Single-fin Surfer ??
Accessing start-up funding right now is a bit like Harry Potter trying to get into Gringotts to access his fortune!
“But Hagrid, how will I pay for all of this? I haven’t any money”
“Well, there is your money Harry! Gringotts! There ain’t no safer place!”
Yes, the funding is sitting safely tucked away with investors. So what is a scale up desperate founder to do, as you watch the runway shrink?!
You do what you have always done. Leverage what you have - You and your people! And this is when it starts to become unclear and messy.?
In the last 5 years as I’ve been working with some amazing start up founders the typical problems that I have come across are:
It’s not easy to untangle the different threads and sort them into their different boxes.?
Why? Because many of these areas were not what most founders signed up for when the idea to solve a major problem in the world was born, and you took the leap!
Leading people in an SME or in a corporate environment is very different proposition to leading a messy, chaotic start up where there are no clear processes, people are wearing many hats and the roadmap is constantly evolving!
So what do founders do? They focus on what they know how to do - building the product / delivering the service and sales.?
The HARSH truth is: People scale businesses, not products or services.?
Yes we need the revenue to be able to scale but the revenue is still created by you and by your people.?
What you need are:
So what’s the action??
It always, always starts with the founder. Meaning your focus, productivity and energy is your holy grail and something to be managed as much as your start up.
Nope! So here is my challenge to you.?
Apply these 3 tactics, or high performance habits, for the next 2 weeks daily without fail and notice what changes.?
As for the other areas, well that’s a longer conversation and why I created the Get Scale Up Ready workshop for founders.?
Practical and full of case studies but definitely only for the seriously dream-driven founders who are on a mission to make a difference in the world. To save our environment, to keep people safe, to help people get something done easier/better or whatever your mission is.?
Check it out here: https://www.jessdahlberg.com/getscaleupreadynow
I hope so!