4 Business Hackers You Need to Know (and How to Stop Them)
CCB Technology
Award-winning IT support & project services for businesses & nonprofits nationwide.
Have you ever wondered how enticing your business appears to a hacker?
Chances are they have already delved into your IT infrastructure and reached a concerning verdict: your business is a tempting target. Over 80% of U.S. businesses have been hacked, many unaware, per the Duke University/CFO Magazine Business Outlook Survey.
Small businesses are like honey to hackers! They love them because they're typically less secure than big corporations but still have a lot of money to play with and exploit compared to the individual consumer.
What you don't know can and probably will hurt you when it comes to cybercrime - so let's talk about the four types of hackers you need to keep an eye out for and how you can defend your business from them.
The Insider
This inconspicuous employee may be affected by the recent corporate downsizing or could be working in the cubicle next to you, completely under the radar. The Insider devises cunning plans to undermine the company, make a profit, or both. This Insider quietly gathers network credentials and confidential information, biding their time for the perfect moment of retribution.
Their Attack Strategy: The Insider is skilled at operating discreetly from within the company's internal defenses. They may utilize small removable devices to inject malware, distribute harmful files, or pilfer sensitive data. Alternatively, they exploit any weaknesses in on-premises security to infiltrate the system. They might even work from afar, collaborating with another 'Insider' within the organization to do the dirty work.
Your Defense: Maximize your endpoint protection to disable or quarantine removable devices. Tightening up your security controls by restricting access to physical servers, computers, and devices is the first step to giving internal threats the cold shoulder. A strong endpoint security solution is a great way to detect, validate and prioritize unknown threats.
The Cybercriminal
Cybercriminals leverage their coding expertise to craft sophisticated hacks and create pre-packaged crimeware applications that are purchased by less technically skilled hackers to pursue their cybercrime aspirations. It's like an evil online store for the wannabe hackers of the world! These bad guys are always on the prowl to turn a profit, which is why IT security is constantly evolving to keep up with their shenanigans.
Their Attack Strategy: When not leveraging their advanced coding abilities to exploit network weaknesses, cybercriminals unleash cutting-edge viruses, malware, ransomware, phishing, and spam tactics. They frequently utilize user-friendly crimeware tools that enable them to execute automated attacks on a global scale.
Your Defense: Encryption takes data and makes it a puzzle so complicated it's entirely unreadable without a key and is one of the best ways to starve even the smartest and most data-hungry hackers. Don't fall into the category of companies neglecting encryption on laptops or mobile devices.
The Bots
Imagine an evil ruler has an underground robot army to do their bidding. Now imagine that army being able to replicate and deploy itself at will. Scary, isn't it?
Unfortunately, this is the harsh reality of hacking. Cybercriminals deploy bots to collect personal data, breach IT systems, and spread spam. Just like a swarm of relentless ants, bots roam the vast expanse of the internet, ceaselessly seeking vulnerabilities to prey on. Like a ruthless army of ants, bots scour the vast reaches of the internet, tirelessly searching for vulnerabilities to exploit.
Their Attack Strategy: Cybercriminals use bots to exploit software vulnerabilities, break into accounts with weak passwords, or trick you into installing malware through various deceptive tactics. Once inside, bots quickly gather valuable information for sale, ransom, or exploitation.
Your Defense: Install antivirus and antispyware programs from industry leaders who deploy the latest endpoint and network security and offer full security suites for all business types and sizes. Anti-malware programs scan and monitor your computer for known viruses and spyware. When they find something, they warn you and help you take action.
The Script Kiddie
Typically, a young hacker prodigy in their teens or early 20s, the Script Kiddie is on the hunt for a quick win. While they may not have the skills to create their own programs, they can still wreak havoc if they encounter a glaring network vulnerability.
Their Attack Strategy: This young hacker utilizes borrowed software and common vulnerabilities to pinpoint and exploit your weak points. They could stumble upon your unprotected data, easily guessed passwords, or negligent staff members, and you could become the easy score they're looking for.
Your defense: Implement a stricter password policy for your end users. They may not realize how their password choices could affect your overall business security. Multifactor authentication is necessary for every business that cares to protect itself against cyber criminals. Anything less just won't cut it in a good security policy anymore.
Next Steps:
Now that you know the potential threats to your business, it's time to beef up your IT security plan.
Here's the game plan:
We elaborate more on those next steps here: https://ccbtechnology.com/4-business-hackers-you-need-to-know/