4 business development opportunities (energy)
The world of energy is changing. But there is one factor that has not changed: the need to be competitive.
I present 4 opportunities that fit into this "new world":
1. Ranking of energy costs
Creating a cost reference in $/MWh paid on the energy bill so that corporate and institutional consumers can find out "where" they are! on a monthly basis..
2. When to close an energy contract
Comparing the prices offered by the market for future delivery with a cost balance reference (for the construction of new plants to be built) reveals when it is advantageous to close a deal.
3. Demand Flexibility Exchange
A platform to be made available by utilities to their demand contracting customers aiming at a win-win for all involved. The DFE was embraced as a concept by Brite.org - an organization from the state of Ohio (USA) focused on innovation in the energy sector.
4. Energy Advisory
A high-level advisory service modeled on mentoring to help corporate and institutional executives create strategic plans and make them happen, primarily focused on "what's missing".
If you would like to explore one or more of these opportunities, please contact me and we will move forward!
3 个月Embora o texto apresente ideias interessantes sobre o mercado de energia, algumas propostas carecem de análise mais profunda. O ranking de custos de energia, por exemplo, pode gerar especula??o e prejudicar consumidores. Decis?es baseadas apenas no pre?o do MWh ignoram fatores críticos como perfil de consumo, tributos, encargos e varia??es sazonais, levando a escolhas impulsivas e ineficientes que agravam os custos. No ponto sobre "quando fechar contratos de energia", prever custos n?o depende só do mercado futuro, mas de contratos adaptados às necessidades específicas. Sem isso, o "momento certo" pode ser mal interpretado. Quanto ao Demand Flexibility Exchange, apesar de ser tendência global, enfrenta no Brasil desafios como regulamenta??o limitada e resistência a flexibilidades operacionais. A digitaliza??o do setor é vital, mas exige educa??o do consumidor. Sem isso, ferramentas digitais podem ser mal utilizadas, perpetuando erros. O mercado precisa de solu??es que tragam economia sustentável e previsibilidade, n?o especula??o ou atalhos arriscados.