4 brain exercises you should be using ??

4 brain exercises you should be using ??

You may have tried meditation or hit play on a sleep visualization. Maybe you've zoned out to a soundscape or dabbled with yoga. But when it comes to mindfulness, there's so much more to explore.

This week, let's try something different…

  • Write: Unloading in progress
  • Breathe: Sending out an SOS
  • Move: Mind your muscles
  • Learn: Things just got emotional

Three words: write it down

You're already using the notes app for your to-do list and TV binge sessions. So why not use it for a bit of mental unloading, too? The simple act of writing things down (or journaling) can unlock a whole world of goodness, from prioritizing problems to shifting perspectives.

Don't know what to write? We'll help you get started .

What to do when the $#*! hits the fan

Think breathing exercises are just a load of hot air? Okay, what if we told you there was an exercise so practical and effective that even Navy SEALs use it under intense pressure?

Plunge a circuit breaker into your panic and breathe your way back to calm with this simple technique .

Take a moment away from your to-do list

POV: You're trying to do one thing, but your mind keeps drifting to all the other things you need to get done...

By emphasizing controlled movement and breathwork, Pilates has an incredible knack for bringing you back to the moment. Join Centr Pilates expert Sylvia Roberts on the mat for some mindful movement and focus your attention on the muscles that matter .

Why your EQ matters more than your IQ

IQ measures brain smarts. EQ measures emotional smarts – like your ability to manage emotions and empathize with others. What does EQ have over IQ? It can be a bigger predictor of success in career, relationships and happiness.

You can still train your emotional muscle even if you’re flunking EQ 101 right now. And not just with meditation: try these 5 exercises to strengthen your EQ .



