The 4 Biggest Lessons I Learned From My Worst Failure
The fall was spectacular. And sudden. It was like falling off a cliff. In late 2000, my company had opened five offices in five years. In September of that year, we finished our best month. It was almost double our previous best month. We were riding China’s first internet wave. Netease, Sina, Elong, and Eachnet were among our clients. They had lots of money, were aggressively growing, and needed to fill many key positions. Our candidates would interview on a Friday and start work on Monday. It was wonderful!
Then the internet bubble burst. Or more accurately, it exploded. It was suddenly determined that all the sexy, high potential B2C, C2C, and e-commerce business models in the market weren’t going to succeed. At least, not in the next few years. So in October, my company booked zero revenues. Then November, zero. And December, zero. Actually, we achieved negative revenues in those three months, because several candidates didn’t stay long enough in their job for us to get paid or our clients withdrew their offers.
The reserve cash I put away disappeared, like water down a sink. In the next year, I closed our San Francisco office, then our Taipei office, then Shanghai and Hong Kong offices. At the lowest point, I was five months behind in rent and two months behind on payroll. It was painful. But as they always tell you, you learn the most from your failures. In my case, here are the 4 biggest lessons I learned from my epic failure.
1) Your greatest strength can become your greatest weakness – There were two leadership qualities that I always prided myself on. The first is being a caring leader. I was someone who is extremely supportive of my employees, even if they didn’t perform well. As long as they worked hard and had a good attitude.
But because of this, I tended to carry many so-so and even poor performing employees. I wasn’t objective about a person’s performance, or lack of performance. When my company began failing. I remember telling a friend, an executive in a multinational company, that I didn’t think many of the people I had could help our company recover, and I wasn’t sure what to do with them. When I finished, he said, “It sounds like you’re running a charity, not a business. If it was me, these employees you’re talking about wouldn’t still be in my company.”
I’m also a positive, optimistic person. I have a can-do spirit and attitude. That’s a great outlook to have when facing many situations. But sometimes, you need to be objective and critical about your situation. But when our ship was sinking, I was giving “we’re going to all get through this together” speeches. Somebody should have hit me over the head with a frying pan!
You compete and win with your strengths, not your weaknesses. So, of course, you want to recognize and value your strengths. But in my case, both my caring personality and optimism were out of control. They were killing my company. What I learned is that sometimes, your strengths need to be checked and balanced. If not, they can turn into huge weaknesses.
2) You’re never as good as you think you are – When you’re having early success, it’s easy to think that it’s because of how awesome and brilliant you are. Everything you do is working. Clients want to do business with you and people want to work for you. All your problems and challenges are related to how to grow your business faster. Of course, this is all because of you.
But when the wind stops blowing, that’s when you really see how good you are. When you find out how well you can really sail. In my case, after the internet bubble burst, both my company’s and my own shortcomings and weaknesses became very apparent. Our people, our capabilities, and my leadership, none of these were as good as I thought.
Now, when I experience success, I maintain a more objective and grounded view of how that success was achieved, and why it happened. Trust me, it’s much better for your ongoing, continued success to have a more humble, balanced view of your capabilities and achievements.
3) Your ego can’t save you – When my company was collapsing, I could have done many things much sooner, and to a much greater degree. Like, closing our offices and letting people go. These are never easy to do, but sometime it’s just what needs to be done.
But I couldn’t bring myself to do them. I felt so proud of building up our five offices. I liked flying around each week and saying that I was visiting our office in Taipei or Hong Kong or Beijing. I liked feeling like a rising star who was on his way to building a business empire. But this ended up being short-lived. When things go bad, then it all becomes lies and false ego.
The fact is, sometimes you make a bad choices. You’ve overextended yourself. Or you’re holding on to things that you should be letting go of. Whatever it is, you’ve got to be mature enough to face the realities of your situation, and then respond appropriately. Otherwise, you’ll end up in an even deeper hole than what you’re already in.
4) There’s no disgrace in moving on – In your career, you may try and do something very challenging and significant. You’ll invest your heart and soul, your blood, sweat, and tears into it. Hopefully, it will be successful. Or it might just succeed for a period of time, and then that time will pass and you need to move on.
I had a very difficult time moving on from each of our offices. My company has my family names, the Wangs and the Lis, on it. Everything was personal to me. I was caught up in what people might think. How it would look to others to downsize my company.
So when I had to close offices, I delayed that decision by 3-6 months for each office. This probably extended my recovery period by at least a year, as I went further and further into debt.
I learned that, rather than hang on, sometimes, it’s much better to move on. It makes more sense to let go of something and recognize that it has a better chance of existing in the future in another way or form. Once I let go of our other four offices, I was able to focus my limited resources and efforts on just one market. That’s how I rebuilt my company, where in 2008, Wang & Li Asia Resources was recognized as China’s Recruitment Firm of the Year at the Annual ChinaStaff Human Resources Awards.
Of course, nobody wants to experience failure. Believe me, it sucks! But if you do, you have two choices. You can crawl into a hole and disappear, feeling hurt and wounded. Or you can do a lot of soul-searching to try to understand why it happened and to get the most valuable things that come with failure. Those are the lessons, understanding, and maturity that can result from going through difficult times and dealing with disappointment.
Hopefully, you’ll choose the latter. And then just maybe, you’ll also get a second chance to continue to do what you love doing, and do it much better than you did before.
1)你最大的优势也可能是你最大的劣势 —— 一直以来,我都对自己身上的两大领导力特质引以为豪。一是关心员工。只要员工工作努力,态度端正,即便他们表现不佳,我也会尽全力帮助他们。
2)你永远都不如你想象的那么好 —— 年轻轻轻就成功的人很容易会觉得自己聪明伶俐,才华洋溢,事事都能成。很多客户想和你做生意,大家都想来你公司工作。要说有困难和挑战,那也是在苦恼如何才能更快地把公司发展壮大。当然,你会觉得,这一切都是因为有你。
3)放下自我 —— 在公司分崩离析的过程中,我原本可以尽早采取很多行动,比如早点关闭办公室,解雇员工。虽然这些事做起来不容易,但有时你必须得这么做。
4)继续前行并不丢人 —— 在职业生涯中,你可能会尝试做一些非常具有挑战性、非常重要的事情,全身心投入其中,经历种种心酸苦累。但愿你能成功。但也有可能,你的成功只会持续一段时间。随着时间流逝,你得学会释怀,并且收拾心情,继续前行。
7 年Great
Metals Industry Coupling and Rotating Equipment Professional
7 年Great lessons here!
7 年Great article. Lessons for all business owners & managers. It's very easy to hold onto low performers, while others carry the load. Personal feelings sometimes get in the way of hard business decisions!
Head of Communications & CSR at TotalEnergies China
7 年Good sharing. But it is not easy to make a right decision sometimes. For example, someone may argue that they decide to hang on for another period and then they get a new chance to recover. Certainly, I understand, in some cases, the longer you stay there the more you will lose. In a word, it is hard to forecast.
Senior Executive Officer at CASS
7 年Well written but I have a different experience. I was a caring leader and ran my company like a business + charitable organization. So, I continue to keep some dead-woods in the company, the performers and dead-woods co-exist, and it became a culture. My company survived 2 brutal financial and industry crisis because of this culture. All employees voluntarily took 20% pay cut to avoid any retrenchment, worked long hours without overtime pay, work harder and smarter hence reduce development and process time. We were able to launch many more new products with lower cost within a year, that offset the drop in sales and keep the company afloat (not making much profit) during the crisis. Of course, time is different. My employees were mainly the 50s, 60s, 70s. Today, the 80s, 90s and millennium will probably behave differently. A caring leader and caring culture might not survive any crisis ..